Thursday, April 27, 2006

simple things that make me happy

so now, time for something slightly philosophical. listen to Dr. Philosopher, please.

the simplest things in life make you happy. that is true, but only if you want it to be. which means, you gotta want to let that hsppen.

why do i say so? simply because a lot fo times, we only see what we want tosee, we believe what we want to see. so, if we were to just belive the simplest things will make you happy, it will.

how do i know? because the simplest things make me happy nowadays.

simple things like:

1) reading a good book
2) listening to good music
3) lazing around
4) looking at babies with their innocent, toothy smile
5) looking, listening, smelling the rain pouring down
6) taking a walk
7) freedom
8) holding your hand
9) kissing you, cuddling you
10) you, above all.

get it, everyone? simple things can make you happy :)


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