Why, when you least want things to be, they turn out the way you least want them to be?
You can only give so much, you can only love thus far. Althought love knows no boundaries, no limitations, that only applies to you. Or rather, me.
Because there are people who will just never know how deep your love runs, and how much you hurt when they are no longer with you.
They will never know because they don't feel the way you do.
They will never know because they don't love you, as a person, enough.
They will never know because they don't need relationships, they don't need a girlfriend,
Maybe because they don't need me.
How far lower can i sink, how far deeper can that black hole swallow me up, I really don't know.
I wish I had never let my defences down, i wish i had never let the walls in me crumble. Maybe then, I wouldn't hurt so much. I wouldn't hurt so bad.
I wander around in a daze, because I really don't know my place in this world, at this point of time, now.
I only know that I should stop these tears that will soon make a river.
But how, can you tell me?
Can you help me? There isn't anyway out except deeper and lower and blacker.
I can't make you love me if you don't.
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