
But just when I want to run away, I see the people who care for me, standing at the sidelines, cheerin me on. Waving me on.
And what would have been a cowardly move, to run, turns into gratitude, for the people who are there for me. It makes me want to move on, if only to not let them down. They help me every step of the way, like a toddler taking her first few steps.
Wobbly and unsteady, but I'm getting there.
Everytime I feel that I smile just so others cannot see what's hidden beneath it all, the people who care and who love me seem to sense it, and they are just there. In so many ways.
So, you know, no matter how bad things get, I'm grateful that at least I have these few people who care, and who love me. And whom I know will be there for my every step of the way.
There are many other much sadder people out there. Those less unfortunate, those leading lives that seem to be out of their control.
Those who are alone. Those who are lonely.
But lovely people make unhappy people lovely.
And in so many ways I am so much better off.
So, smile now. If I can smile, so can you.
It's that simple.
if people can be contented with anything in their life, they will be much more happy..
Sometimes in letting those around you support you and help you to be happy, you are also aiding them in thier happiness - it isn't just a one way street.
That's true, in both these cases.
Contentment leads to happiness.
And, although I never thought of it till now, happiness is a two way thing.
Funny how the simplest things in life can actually make someone happy.
Anyway, Shimin, Vic, smile now, ya? Cos I've found reason to smile, and I hope you both have, too. :)
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