copied questions

I copied this questionnaire stuff from someone, so its not mine! Anyway, you can only type one word when answering the questions. Here goes! And it's not easy at all.
1. Yourself: Thinker
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Darling
3. Your hair: Wild
4. Your mother: Nagging
5. Your father: Traditional
6. Your favorite item: Phone
7. Your dream last night: Pieces
8. Your favorite drink: Water
9. Your dream car: Beetle
10. The room you are in: Green
11. Your ex: Cold
12. Your fears: Loneliness
13. What you want to be in 10 years: Happy
14. Who you hung out with last night: Friends
15. What you're not: Decisive
16. Muffins: Chocolate
17: One of your christmas wish list items: Pullover
18. Time: Night
19. The last thing you did: Mahjong
20. What you are wearing: Boxers
21. Your favorite weather: Cold
22. Your favorite book: Coelho
23. The last thing you ate: Noodles
24. Currently, your life is: Changing
25. Your mood: Procrastinating
26. Your best friend: Perfect
27. What you are thinking about right now: Girlfriend
28. Your car: Green
29. What you are doing at the moment: Texting
30. Your summer: Tanning
31. Your name: No.
32. What is on your tv: Nothing
33. Last time you laughed: Hour
34. Last time you cried: Yesterday
1. Yourself: Unsure
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? who?
3. Your hair: uncontrolled
4. Your mother: insignificant
5. Your father: asshole
6. Your favorite item: guitar
7. Your dream last night: forgotten
8. Your favorite drink: beer
9. Your dream car: ute
10. The room you are in: studio
11. Your ex: beautiful
12. Your fears: Loneliness
13. What you want to be in 10 years: Happy
14. Who you hung out with last night: ex
15. What you're not: attatched
16. Muffins: blueberry
17: One of your christmas wish list items: vodka
18. Time: lunch
19. The last thing you did: practise
20. What you are wearing: clothes
21. Your favorite weather: spring
22. Your favorite book: magician
23. The last thing you ate: burrito
24. Currently, your life is: new
25. Your mood: Procrastinating
26. Your best friend: unknown
27. What you are thinking about right now: work
28. Your car: subaru
29. What you are doing at the moment: questions
30. Your summer: work
31. Your name: new
32. What is on your tv: videos
33. Last time you laughed: Hour
34. Last time you cried: christmas
Cute. But chocolate muffins are nicer though! :) Happy new year!
Hey, at least I didn't say wholemeal!
Should I suggest a truce on banana?
Oh no. Wholemeal. Yucks. In that case, truce on blueberry!! Or at least, banana chocolate. Truce??
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