me, a poet

So yesterday, I attempted to be a poet. A very classic, arrogant, dark poet. Or maybe I was just trying to be Byron, or Yeats, or Shakespeare. So, on the topic of love, I made everyone listen to my poetry until they covered their ears and made me shut up because they were too irritated.
The reason? My poetry on love ranged from love being a flower to love being a crab, and to love being an itch and whatever that was on my mind at that time. Or that I could see. Here's one, anyhow.
Love, is like a shadow.
It chases after you, and occasionally, catches up with you at noon. (complete with dramatic waves of hand, please)
Literal translation (for those friends of mine who obviously have not taken Literature in English): Love is always somewhere around you. Sometimes, it will catch up with you. And the rest is up to you.
I'm seeing the world now as a place full of infinite possibilities.
On the other hand, I will not, I repeat, not argue with others about things not worth my breath. When I say you will know about it when I want to talk about it, I mean it. No amount of your constant asking and hostile nature will make me do otherwise. That part of me that used to always do your bidding is gone. Over. So stop asking me, because I will not give you answers until I want to talk to you.
Gone, get it? Almost all gone.
有了距离之后 看到了不同的你和我
In other words? Because of this distance, I see a different world with my eyes, in your eyes.
I see a different world in my distant eyes.
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