boxers and a movie

At least these boxers beat my previous boxers that I always wore. That people said made me look like a kid. This is the pair of boxers in discussion, that made me look like a kid.I'm pleased with my purchase. My new pair of boxers. And a new pair of jeans. Next up, new sneakers. When I get the moolah.
Anyway, I caught 4 out of 5 of the Oscar nominated movies. I caught Babel, The Queen, Dreamgirls, and last night, Letters From Iwo Jima. Next up, Notes On A Scandal.
I love it, Letters From Iwo Jima. What left a deep impression on me was this. A young girl of about 4 years of age was sitting beside me in the theatre with her parents, and she asked her father in a totally Singlish way, "Daddy, why do the men keep shooting the other men? They are all men what." And her dad replied, "Because war is very cruel."
And it was those words that kept repeating itself in my mind throughout the rest of the movie. War is cruel. It was just made more real, hearing it from an innocent child.
So there it goes. The story of my life. For yesterday.
Hey they're cool!
that show must be a great show. too bad i don't have the chance to watch.
by the way, cute boxers.
Haha I'm glad we're all in agreement on one thing: they're cool/cute/great boxers! Yay to my lovely boxers!
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