oh no, no, no.

Please do what you're supposed to do and do it well, instead of this.
Please stop controlling my every movement and dictating when and how I should contact you.
We are not an item anymore. Which part of Not Together do you not get?
I am willing to keep to my words, if you would just listen to me and keep yours. Stop calling me. Stop bombarding me with messages.
I will keep my side of the bargain. You keep yours. That's all I ask.
I don't want to have to make it ugly. I am civilised. I will not ask you to fuck off, and I will no longer say fuck you, although you have no idea how tempted you make me feel.
Please. Just leave me be and give me some peace.
I will uphold my end of the bargain. Please just stop irritating me.
Comment for your ex gf.
Not everyone like you can have ex gf and still being such good friend with you even after break up.
A lot of people like me do not have the chance to choose whether we can be friends with our exes.
No matter how we beg our exes but they will never even talk to us.
Somtimes in life, we need to appreciate/cherish every small little things we can have before we lose it and make our life in regret for life.
I understand that maybe you want to save this relationship.
But ask yourself whether is there still love?
If not no matter how hard you try, the result will be the same.
Till then everything will be too late.
I am not trying to say something against what you have done.
But when your action causes someone to be unhappy, i think it is time that you need to reflect.
Asking yourself how come someone think that you are irritating?
Have you stand in her shoes?
If someone does the same thing to you, how will u react and what will you do?
I think there are sweet moments in every relationship and definitely in yours.
Do you remember those days when both of you are deeply in love how you treat her?
And why you cannot treat her same as now when you break up?
There is this saying.
If you love her deep enough, you will let her go.
Let her choose her own happy life. And when you see her happy, you will be happy too.
That's the beauty of love.
Well. There is no animosity here, if you are reading this. Just some bit of advice, that makes sense. Sums up almost about all that I could have said.
Thanks, abcd, whomever you are. Good bit of advice.
hi abcd,
in response to your comment above.
Yes you're right, I did not cherish her and things turned out to be this way. It's partly my fault. But in a r/s, both have faults. Why always one party have to put in the shoes of the other but not both? Precisely I already tried to put myself in her shoes and that's why I stopped whatever actions that is irritating her from now on.
yes, there are sweet times. I treated her nicely at times, it's not totally none throughout the year.
Moreover, you have never heard both side of the story. so your comment is based on just reading one side of the story, it's unfair to a certain extent.
Yes I am taking this whole time to reflect, and improve myself. A lit faith maybe would change things.
Whether is it too late to salvage things.. We both made a deal. If I can show her a new me and change for the better, she promised that we would be back together for good. And when I am typing all these now, it's not trying to prove what. It's important that she keeps her promises, and I am seriously keeping mine too, no sms bombs, no actions that cause disturbance to her.
anyway, abcd, thanks for your comment. I am not having any bad feelings towards you. I do understand all of that above. good day. :)
p/s: shant, this comment is not hostile, it's jus certain things I need to voice out. I have no right to control/dictate yr life/actions.(which I won't anymore) But the least, I have a right to voice out my thoughts.. so hope u understand.
Okay. I don't really wish to comment on anything, just this. The ex gf. Please kindly refrain from misinterpreting my words or actions. Please kindly leave me to myself. And please do not start some debate on my blog.
And lastly, your comment just shows that you have never really listened to me, regardless of what I have told you.
Go figure.
Hang on. By the way, let's make one thing clear here. There were two sides to this story, once upon a time. But not now. Not since I've realised so many things, not since I've realised all about this load that I had once carried.
Everything has two sides to a story. Ours did have. Once upon a time. Not now.
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