the room in your heart

I am standing right outside your door
Knocking on it ever so gently
Waiting for you to open it
Waiting for you to let me enter into your room.
The room in your heart
Where no one ever enters
Where you keep so many things to yourself
That you wish you could express but you cannot.
I am standing right outside your door
Tapping on it ever so gently, again
Waiting... hoping... wishing...
You know I will never cease waiting.
You've got a room in your heart
I know you do
I know every part of you, your eyes, your smile, your laughter
Your voice, the feel of your skin, the scent of you, the taste of your lips
I know you, I know you.
I am standing right outside your door
Now I'm no longer knocking
Just waiting, patiently, outside your door
Open your door, if you should ever need me
You know I will be there.
Waiting for you, it's something I'll always do
Waiting for you to let me into that room in your heart
I know you're trying, I know you're letting me in
Slowly, slowly, it's alright, it's alright
You know I will always be by your side.
And when you express yourself fully,
Know that I will never see you as anything less
then the best one of the best ones
Your weakness is my weakness
Your strength is my strength.
I am vulnerable
Just as I know you are, too
It's okay, it's okay, it's alright
Together we'll turn our vulnerability into love
The best of the best.
I am standing outside your door
Waiting, caring, loving you still
Just sitting, standing, waiting patiently
Watching out for you
I'll never let you fall
Because I know you'll never let me fall.
I love you
The best one of the best ones
In your own time.
Words for my baby today, through to a lifetime.
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