this feeling...

Your shoes, beside my shoes.
Don't you know, I feel --
a sense of completeness,
a sense of content,
a sense of peace, of happiness,
when I see your shoes beside mine?
On those days when I returned home without you, seeing your shoes beside my shoes, your toothbrush next to mine, your towel beside mine, your jacket, your socks, thrown haphazardly around the place, it made me smile. It made me smile, because I am secure in the knowledge.
Secure in the knowledge that you will be coming home to me again, the next day, or the day after. And that makes me smile, it fills up my heart, it warms my soul, just to know that I belong to you. That you belong to me.
And on those days when I returned home without you, I slept with your jacket. I slept with the smell of you beside me, taking the place of you, sleeping beside me, with your arm around me, or my arm around you.
And on those days when I returned home to you, when I returned home with you, when you came home to me, everything just fell into place. Everything was complete. Everything felt like it should have been this way, and only this way, and with only you. It felt as if all the waiting was for a reason, it felt like all the waiting was worth its while. Every tear, every sadness, every impatient day of counting down, was all worth its while.
Falling asleep to the sound of your breathing. Falling asleep with your arm around me, with your warmth blanketing me. Falling asleep with my arm around you, with the smell of you infiltrating every inch of me. You don't know how incredibly content I felt, just to fall asleep and wake up to you.
Laughing with you. Teasing you. Tickling you. Putting my arms around you when you least expect me to. Holding you. Playing with your hair. Looking at those eyelashes. Looking into your eyes. Talking to you late into the night. Those inconspicuous looks we exchange, those hidden kisses in the hallway. The taste of your lips. The smell of your hair. The scent of your perfume. The way you laugh. The way you sound all cute when you talk.
I miss you.
I miss all of you.
I miss everything about you.
I miss everything that you do, everything that you say.
I miss everything that we do together.
My heart aches just thinking of you.
My heart breaks, just longing to be with you.
Now I sleep with your jersey next to me, your jacket beside me, our bear beside me. I spend each day thinking of you, looking at my phone, feeling your necklace against my heart, wearing your flip flops. Just to be close to you.
I just want to come home to you again.
I just want to feel the happiness, the complete whole feeling I get when I know you will be coming home to me very soon again. The next day, the day after...
I miss coming home to you.
I miss you, coming home to me.
Soon, again, I will come home to you.
Just be patient.
Just wait...
Wait for me...
My love for you, is stronger than it can ever be, and it will only continue to grow stronger.
I will be coming home to you again.
And you will be coming home to me again.
I love you, baby.
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