when it comes

How does it feel to have the world crumble under your own two feet?
When everything you hold so dear, the things you thought you believed in, now no longer stands true, how does it feel? When the very foundations you built your life on are no longer stable and everything starts to fall down around you, how do you feel?
I thought I believed in something that would at least never go away. The people you care for, aren't they supposed to be there for you? Aren't you supposed to be there for them? Because I thought that was what matters. I thought what mattered most was being there for a friend.
And then the beliefs that you built your life on start crumbling down. Your world starts to shake, and it starts to wobble, then it starts to fall. The world falls down around you because what you believe in no longer holds true.
When, in this cruel world, it is so difficult to find real friends, all the more you cherish the ones you have. What is it, then, that enables one to walk away so easily?
As if you never mattered. As if it never existed.
Maybe there were other parts to this, but at the very bottom of it all, what holds a person up, is just pure care, concern, pure friendship, being there for each other. How can one walk away without looking back, without wondering if the foundations that all this was built on, would just crumble and fall?
Reality doesn't bite. Reality comes crashing down on you. And when it's all over, you feel like you've been run over by a two tonne truck. That is me.
I, of all people, should learn that the people you care for will one day, walk away. They never stay. At the very least, most don't.
Why then, do I still care, is something I always will puzzle over.
Life moves very fast. It rushes us from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds.
But I can either choose to be a victim of this world, or an adventurer in search of the world's treasure.
i see hope at the end. it brought a smile to my face.
-squirty parent
you are hilarious, squirty parent. but its good to always see hope. be the traveller in search of an adventure, not a victim. you always were an adventurer, so why stop now right? squirty parent rocks my socks la. lol.
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