real vs unreal

If men define situations as real, then they are real in their consequences.
It is how one views things, is it not?
Once bitten, twice shy.
Is there a defination in that?
Some things just are real.
There isn't a bush to beat around some things.
There is no doubt involved.
What is, just is.
And what are the consequences of things being just that?
Because it is real,
Consequences are real,
And the definations of both aren't ambiguous.
Think of inadequacy.
To be defined, or not to be?
Sometimes, thoughts are only real to oneself.
Play with my mind.
To be defined, or not to be?
Everything has a consequence.
The highest threshold of something has its consequence too.
Mind games that are carried out.
Sometimes, I feel inadequate.
Sometimes, I doubt myself.
There shouldn't be any doubt.
There is nothing to doubt,
When the defination of us is love?
When the defination of us is togetherness, happiness, bliss?
That is what is real.
Whatever that isn't real--
Mind games
Assumed thoughts
Let that all be gone.
For this is what is real.
You and me.
Our love.
This is what is real.
Let that be enough.
All other unreal thoughts --
Be gone.
This is what is real.
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