Friday, November 09, 2007

this whirlpool of quicksand

Caught up.

My mind is a whirlpool
Thoughts are flung around
Spinning crazily, in the confines of my head
Sometimes I think I think too much
But my mind starts to make sense

They say you'll never know until you've tried
They say you'll never learn until it's happened
Tried and happened, which is why it makes sense.

Get too caught up in things
It's good but it isn't
Sometimes invisible hands draw you in
And you can't get out.
We think we see all invisible hands
Then why are they invisible?
Like quicksand, like a cesspool
It draws you in.
The more you struggle, the stronger you fight
The harder it is for you to get out.

It's like digging a hole and burying yourself in it
Then slowly refilling the hole
With you in it.

And you'll never know
Because you're in it.

The third eye sees what your pair of eyes fail to see.
The audience feels what the protagonist portrays.
Subconsciously, without the protagonist ever knowing what she is portraying.

My mind is a whirlpool
It churns out thoughts like these
These thoughts do make sense
Most of the time.

But my thoughts are complex
And as honest and truthful,
As comfortable as I am,
Sometimes my thoughts are inarticulated.

Because I am changing
Changing to be a better someone, I believe.
How do I speak of something
If I'm afraid that saying these words
Could mean my change is for nothing?

Yet I know that I have changed for the better
Yet I know that saying something might not mean I have not changed
Because sometimes things that matter should not be changed,
Instead, they should be communicated.

I know full well that I have grown
That I have changed
To be someone better.

But shouldn't things that matter be communicated, instead of being set aside?

My mind is a constant whirlpool.
I experience inertia.
I get too caught up.
You, get too caught up.
I, you. Me, her. Us. They. We.

I don't want to go it alone.

I think I could be sinking.
Even when I think I'm floating, floating on you.
Floating on the happiness of us being together.
We are together,
That's all that matters.

I think I could be sinking.

Make this break with circumstance.


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