
After yesterday, never more certain I want the girlfriend in my life for as long as it can be.
Scared the hell out of me yesterday, with her suddenly feeling ill. Because it isn't something small, it isn't a playing matter, it scared and worried the hell out of me. Then some time while the girlfriend was resting, i suddenly got to thinking, if anything were to happen (knock on wood!) to either her or me, I would be lost. With her, everything holds meaning, and although there may be dark clouds overhead threatening to pour on our rs, there is colour, and very bright colours and rainbows at that too. So it got me to thinking that nothing can happen to the girlfriend or me, because if i didn't have her, I wouldn't know where I would be or what I would do. In short, her being in my life gives me meaning.
In short, that's it. No more quarrels. and i mean it. Don't doubt me.
Never more certain than now. I want the darling in my life. For as long as possible, for as long as it can and will be.
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