Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I think everything would be fine if there were no quarrels, fights or anything of tt sort in the world. now, why would someone like me say that? i guess it stems from accumulation of all the quarrels, fights, insecurities, and all that rubbish that i've been taking and keeping and letting go until there isn't much space left.

We always have a lovely time together, until the girlfriend's paranoia starts acting up. and then its death penalty for me. i go through the whole routine of reassuring her and all, but when she starts getting paranoid, there's no stopping her. then her temper will rise, her emotions will get too in the way, and she'll flare up big time. and i stand in the line of the firing squad.

It was good yesterday, we went dating and all at Ikea and Queenstown, but i just said smth offhand, just a comment with no other ill intentions, and my happiness started to unravel. 3 times, we argued. 3 times, she flared up. 3 times, i tried to reassure her. 3 times, it got a little too much for me.

I just hope that very soon she understands that no matter how she tries to think and twist it in her mind, i love only her, i want only her, i wouldn't wanna be with anyone but her. and i hope, she understands, too, that too much of paranoia will kill us. it breaks my heart, as it is, because when she gets paranoid she says alot of things to hurt and spite me on purpose. and i take it all in, i tolerate it and try and reassure her, because i can see where she's coming from. but too much of it will push me to the edge of the cliff.

I know we can be so loving, ive seen it and expereinced it a lot of times. i only can hope, that soon, we can have one day where there will be no quarrels, no fights. i don't want to always have to go through quarrels and paranoia. but yes, if it happens, i will go through it with her, but i hope soon, there will be no more. because when we are together, happy and in love, we are the most loving couple ther ever existed.

You know i love you. you know there's only you. and you know i onle want you and no one else. what i have for you is overpowering.

Don't think twice, it's alright.


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