
And that's what I did today. I couldn't stand school for some reason; class pissed me off and I got overly stressed and tired with essays, studying and what-nots. And I couldn't stand that my mind would always keep thinking of stuff, and stuff that were not so good.
So today, I went to Pulau Ubin with my friends for a day of cycling. To get there, there is a 15 min boat ride, which I loved. I stood on the deck outside the sitting area of the boat, and I could feel the sea breeze in my hair, and I could watch the planes landing at the airport nearby. It felt good and took my mind off everything. I remember thinking of nothing; the only thing I thought at one point was that I wanted a special someone to share this perfect view with, and the sea breeze with. But she was not around. At night, the view and the breeze was especially beautiful.
Anyway, we had a wonderful afternoon just cycling around, on the main track and off the main path, which were small, muddy terribly-uphill paths that were in the middle of the forests and wildlife. 4 hours of cycling does things to my ass muscles; they are hurting terribly now.
Oh, and I saw 2 big monitor lizards! Or iguanas. it definately wasn't the small chameleon kind, it was huge. About 2m long. And it walked damn funnily; and we were lucky to see it, because according to this old and cute uncle living there, seeing the two big monitor lizrds means we have to go buy toto and 4d. which of course i will. And. We saw an aligator. In the quarry, which was not open to people. The old man also said that there was only one aligator in the whole of Ubin, so I guess we must be really lucky.
The wildlife there is beautiful. Although the sea and sand there is dirty, but then again, it isn't for tourism or recreation purposes, I guess it's more for oil and reclaiming land. And. There were a lot of mosquitoes that I hate, hornets, bees, and whatever else you find in forests. Plus some funny red/brown insect with a lot of legs bit my foot and tried to cling on to it, earning a lot of swear words from me and a small swelling on my left foot. Of course, anything that attacks me ends up paying for it, because my survival instinct is strong.
Therefore. That thing is lying somewhere on the grounds of Ubin, dead and probably being carried away by ants as food now.
It was a stress reliever today, going to Ubin. But upon reaching mainland Singapore, the stress began again. Pissing me off. I never knew anyone could be so selfish and stupid. How can anyone only care about themselves and nothing else? So being angsty and all accounts for your stupidity. What fuck. It's more like you think the world owes you a fucking living. Which no one does. You put so many consequences on so many people. And you fucking think we all owe you that shit. Please. If anything, I would love to kick you out. I think your actions are fucking immature and shit. But. What can I do. So, once again, stress has began.
And I have to do my sociology essay now.
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