
I did some reflecting while hoping for a good year, and this came to mind.
Sometimes, the things that we do, have an impact on others around us. It's just that maybe, we don't realise this. It's sad because oftentimes, it is those who love and care for you that will hurt the most, when something is done, that cannot be reversed, and cannot be erased.
They say everyone should be given opportunities, that is why pencils always come with an eraser attached to its top. But what if what was done cannot be reversed or erased?
It's common among us all to feel that we're the only ones hurting, the only ones in pain. As if the world has come crashing down. And because it hurts so bad, you try to put an end to the pain. But sometimes, it isn't just only about you. The people around you may not be hurting the way you are, but they are hurting just because you are, and they are your friends.
In a way, I guess the term for it would be selfish. But it really isn't about being selfish. I guess it's about knowing that no matter what, there will always be someone around who will care and love you, and who would bear the consequences, who would hurt and be in pain, should anything happen.
You taught me that love wasn't about who was hurting and who was in pain, but that it was about appreciation. About giving, taking, and being there. Tolerating, loving, being there. Appreciating, a kind word or two on bad days, and being there. It wasn't just about who was hurting, who was to blame, and who was in pain.
You were, and are always around, despite what I may say. You are always there for me, be it physically or emotionally. I know that in some small way, that is you loving me. Of course there are other ways as well. Regardless, I will always be here for you. I hope you know that.
And to all who matter. Who are hurting, either for themselves, or for others. Who may feel the pain, either for themselves, or for others.
I will always be around.
May 2007 be a happy and blessed year, full of surprises and laughter.
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