to my dear laptop

Dearest laptop (aka lappie),
I know that you are not feeling very well currently. I know that you are running a very high temperature, and cold compresses don't really work with you. I understand that you are running a fever and you would like me to bring you to the doctor's.
I did bring you to the doctor, dearest lappie. If you were not so ill then and you could remember, I brought you to the dear computer repair man on Thursday. But the doctor could not do anything then, and he could only switch you on for a while, then give me a piece of paper stating that there was a fan error in you. Apparently, as I have known for a while, your internal fan has not been working for a while now, which is what caused your high fever. I am in agreement with you that you think the man is shit, and you would prefer to be treated soon. Don't worry, dear lappie, you will be fine on Monday or Tuesday, when the doctor calls me.
In the meantime, dear lappie, can you please be strong and not die on me? I still have one more project and several slides to complete for my presentation on Wednesday. Please will you help your dear owner who loves you dearly? I treated you with great care, but apparently your fellow friends from the same brand have also been experiencing high fevers, thus it is not me, dear lappie. I am good to you.
Dear lappie, please try not to be too laggy and slow when I am using you. I understand that you feel unwell because you are running a temperature, but I have bought a cooling pad so that you will feel better for the time being. I currently cannot download my past year exam papers because you are slow and always hang when I try to enter my school's website. I am sure that you are understanding and you do not want me to do badly for my coming exams in 2 weeks.
Don't worry, lappie. You will be alright by Monday/Tuesday. I will get the right medicine for you and ensure that your new internal fan works perfectly so you will no longer have a fever. You will be good as new and I know that you will then perform at your very best for me. Because you know I adore you, right?
Adore you truckloads, dearest lappie. You take care now.
Sincerely yours,
Your loving, caring and kind owner.
I know that you are not feeling very well currently. I know that you are running a very high temperature, and cold compresses don't really work with you. I understand that you are running a fever and you would like me to bring you to the doctor's.
I did bring you to the doctor, dearest lappie. If you were not so ill then and you could remember, I brought you to the dear computer repair man on Thursday. But the doctor could not do anything then, and he could only switch you on for a while, then give me a piece of paper stating that there was a fan error in you. Apparently, as I have known for a while, your internal fan has not been working for a while now, which is what caused your high fever. I am in agreement with you that you think the man is shit, and you would prefer to be treated soon. Don't worry, dear lappie, you will be fine on Monday or Tuesday, when the doctor calls me.
In the meantime, dear lappie, can you please be strong and not die on me? I still have one more project and several slides to complete for my presentation on Wednesday. Please will you help your dear owner who loves you dearly? I treated you with great care, but apparently your fellow friends from the same brand have also been experiencing high fevers, thus it is not me, dear lappie. I am good to you.
Dear lappie, please try not to be too laggy and slow when I am using you. I understand that you feel unwell because you are running a temperature, but I have bought a cooling pad so that you will feel better for the time being. I currently cannot download my past year exam papers because you are slow and always hang when I try to enter my school's website. I am sure that you are understanding and you do not want me to do badly for my coming exams in 2 weeks.
Don't worry, lappie. You will be alright by Monday/Tuesday. I will get the right medicine for you and ensure that your new internal fan works perfectly so you will no longer have a fever. You will be good as new and I know that you will then perform at your very best for me. Because you know I adore you, right?
Adore you truckloads, dearest lappie. You take care now.
Sincerely yours,
Your loving, caring and kind owner.
I think that your lappie is very fortunate to have you as the owner.
I want to be your lappie too.
Oh. Haha. That's not very funny. Although the part about my laptop being very fortunate to have me is true. Haha.
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