yellow boxes and smokes

There has been this law over in this country, for about half a year now, that requires all smokers to smoke inside the yellow box. Now, what does it mean by that?
It basically just means that as long as you are in any open-aired coffee shops, hawker centres or cafes, and you do so hunger for an after-meal smoke, you can only do so in this small area where there is a yellow line painted around that area. It's the smoker's corner. And there are normally only like what, 4 or 5 tables in that smoker's corner. Regardless of the size of the coffee shops or hawker centres or cafes. That is the yellow box us fellow locals talk about.
"Hey, we've gotta smoke in the yellow box. We can't smoke here, else we'll get caught and be fined."
Yep, that's the yellow box we're all referring to. And as always, there is always a rush for any empty table in the smoker's corner. Because there are always limited tables in that area. Whereas in the past, we could smoke at any area of the cafe or hawker centre, now, we have got to walk to the yellow box for a smoke. If I'm not wrong, there is quite a hefty fine to pay if we do not comply to that rule.
So, I was looking for a smoker's corner to smoke after my meal last week, and it took me damn long to find a space in that yellow box. And it irritated me, because there are so little tables in the yellow box. So what came after searching for a space, was a series of very lame yellow box jokes. So if ever you should hear one of these yellow box jokes, it's gotta be a disgruntled smoker joking about it. I think.
As you know, there are yellow boxes at every traffic junction to facilitate the flow of traffic turning out to the main road. So I've decided that smokers may be allowed to stand inside that yellow box for a smoke. In the middle of the junction. And over in this country, there is a yellow box at every bus stop, for the buses to drop its passengers and take on new passengers. So, I've decided that smokers may also be allowed to stand inside that yellow box meant for buses, on the roads, should they ever be so desperate for a smoke.
And you know of those yellow boxes that they draw along a push-cart? So that the owners of these push-carts do not display their good outside of their designated territories? Yes, you may smoke there if you are desperate too. Oh, and those double yellow lines on the road? If you really are that skinny and small, and very in need of a smoke, you may, too, smoke while standing in between those yellow lines.
Yes, those yellow boxes and smoke jokes. When I'm overly stressed and tired, I come up with jokes like these.
It basically just means that as long as you are in any open-aired coffee shops, hawker centres or cafes, and you do so hunger for an after-meal smoke, you can only do so in this small area where there is a yellow line painted around that area. It's the smoker's corner. And there are normally only like what, 4 or 5 tables in that smoker's corner. Regardless of the size of the coffee shops or hawker centres or cafes. That is the yellow box us fellow locals talk about.
"Hey, we've gotta smoke in the yellow box. We can't smoke here, else we'll get caught and be fined."
Yep, that's the yellow box we're all referring to. And as always, there is always a rush for any empty table in the smoker's corner. Because there are always limited tables in that area. Whereas in the past, we could smoke at any area of the cafe or hawker centre, now, we have got to walk to the yellow box for a smoke. If I'm not wrong, there is quite a hefty fine to pay if we do not comply to that rule.
So, I was looking for a smoker's corner to smoke after my meal last week, and it took me damn long to find a space in that yellow box. And it irritated me, because there are so little tables in the yellow box. So what came after searching for a space, was a series of very lame yellow box jokes. So if ever you should hear one of these yellow box jokes, it's gotta be a disgruntled smoker joking about it. I think.
As you know, there are yellow boxes at every traffic junction to facilitate the flow of traffic turning out to the main road. So I've decided that smokers may be allowed to stand inside that yellow box for a smoke. In the middle of the junction. And over in this country, there is a yellow box at every bus stop, for the buses to drop its passengers and take on new passengers. So, I've decided that smokers may also be allowed to stand inside that yellow box meant for buses, on the roads, should they ever be so desperate for a smoke.
And you know of those yellow boxes that they draw along a push-cart? So that the owners of these push-carts do not display their good outside of their designated territories? Yes, you may smoke there if you are desperate too. Oh, and those double yellow lines on the road? If you really are that skinny and small, and very in need of a smoke, you may, too, smoke while standing in between those yellow lines.
Yes, those yellow boxes and smoke jokes. When I'm overly stressed and tired, I come up with jokes like these.
This is very funny.
Lucky I do not smoke.
you never fail to crack me up! :) haha!
So that only makes you more of a bimbo, yo. I was right, wasn't I?? Very very bimbo. As compared to me. Haha!
abcd, yes, luckily for you, you do not smoke. Else you would be one of those yellow boxes disgruntled smokers.
hahaha! half babe!
Nah. You're a full-fledged bimbo. Face it! :)
nah... that ain't true! show ya someday! haha! ;) oh and thanks for the 'yellow box' entry-- very very helpful indeed!
You're very welcome. I think. :)
very very funny... :)
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