setting examples

I do not set any examples.
Don't tell me what kind of an example I'm setting.
I believe people are sensible enough to know what they want to do. An example is nothing but a set of guidelines. It isn't something that must be followed. Ultimately, the decision to want to do something, and to do it, depends entirely on one's own sensible, or at most times, senseless, mind.
So please don't tell me I am setting an example, and hence whoever it is is following in my footsteps.
I think there are many more factors that have to be considered, before you turn around and shove the blame right in my face.
I can think of several other factors right this minute; can you?
How about the fact that a senseless, immature, unthinking, and insensitive mind is to be blamed instead?
How about the fact that she is so damn stupid to try comparing me with her?
Or how about the fact that sometimes, you drive people crazy?
Talk about respect. Why don't you open your eyes and look around, instead of pushing the blame from your shoulders on to mine. I think you know who accords you the most respect in this place.
Don't come round here shoving the blame in my face and screwing up my life. Unlike you, I know what I want out of my own life, and I know how not to screw it up.
You need to fucking open up your world. Stop being so blinded.
Cyclops, aren't you.
I don't set any fucking bad examples, or any examples at that, so don't ever say that I fucking do.
Making me Atlas.
love you babyy... i'm here for you all the way.. don't worry. *hugs*
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