learning from her

every time she is here, it's an adventure.
i had fun when she was here a week ago. we had fun.
during the time she was here, i learnt a lot more about my girl. wanna know a thing or two about her?
my girl's actions are slow. as in, my girl really takes her time. each morning, i would wake super early to pick her up from her place. while waiting, i would have to skulk around corners and void decks like some Parco P.I shit. and this girl of mine would take her time to come down, even after i've called to tell her i'm there. it takes her like the time to smoke a cigarette before i finally see her.
i've realised that my girl's actions really are slow. she takes her time to walk. she takes her time to eat. she takes her time to smoke. it's just her usual laid-back way, and it's kinda cute. she's infected me as well, because now i'm laid-back too, and you know, as it is in this country, i cannot afford to be laid-back.
i've learnt that there are only a few occasions whereby her actions are super fast. one is when she sees a store she likes, or she sees some tops that she likes. then she walks really fast. basically, she is only fast when it comes to shopping. another occasion where her actions are quick are when she is trying to persuade me to get her something. then she'll walk as fast as i'm walking just so she can sell me her sales pitch and get me to buy her something. (don't think i don't know that, love!)
my girl also moves super quickly when she gets scared that her family friend or someone who knows her will see me with her. then, then she really will move. at the speed of lightning. like the human torch in the Fantastic Four. times like these, i actually think she's been trained by the Fantastic Four themselves, in order to move that fast.
yet another situation in which she moves really fast is when... uhh... (i'm so sorry baby don't kill me!!) she really needs to do that big big business in the bathroom. oh yes, when she really needs to, she starts doing stupid things that crack me up. like, totally, man. (eewww.) she starts talking about weird stuff, she starts whining like a baby, she starts singing i-don't-know-what songs, and she moves super quickly. she walks very very very fast. (why do i have this feeling that i'm gonna get sat on by her.) the secret to this is, don't give her the newspapers when she is in a need to do that big business. it will drive her super crazy. as in. i am so not lying.
oh, and my girl walks super, super fast, as in, super very fast, when she knows there's a reward in store for her when she reaches our destination. in other words, when she knows we're going back to make sweet love, when she knows we're going back to have some very fabulous sex (and it really is fabulous!), she moves really fast. as in. very fast.
(uh oh. are you going to get pissed, baby? i'm sorry!)
i've also learnt that my girl gets shy and embarrassed at the silliest things. when it should be something to be shy or embarrassed about, she isn't shy. when it is nothing to be embarrassed about, she is embarrassed. like, hello?? she doesn't get shy when i tell her she has a booger up her nose, and then i take a picture of it, and tell her that it's literally dangling there. she doesn't get shy. i don't know why. but she gets super shy when it comes to doing something else. uhhhh... hint hint? like what i always do when i know she's under the sheets on the bed. (smile, baby. don't get mad!)
i learnt so many things about my girl. some, i cannot obviously write because she would most definately kill me.
and for this trip, when she was here, i learnt something most important about my girl.
she is brave. she is a lot braver now. she has a lot more courage now. she knows what she wants, she knows she wants to be happy, and she knows to be brave. she no longer thinks only for herself. she shows me she loves me, or at least, she tries, and i see it. she is willing to accept certain things that she had no inkling about beforehand; she is willing to accept that sometimes she is wrong. and she is smarter now, smarter and wiser, when it comes to dealing with her other relationships with the people she knows.
i see all of it, i saw it so clearly. i was there throughout with her when many things happened. and i saw the journey she took. how it hurt her, how it saddened her, then how she became braver, smarter, stronger, wiser. i saw the journey of how she finally accepted and realised that people have many faces, and over time, these facades would slip and the real, mean person would show.
i saw how she accepted, i saw how she learnt from it.
my girl understands many things, she sees many things, and she shows me that she loves me. i see it, i see how she tries to show me that she really loves me, because she isn't one to be demonstrative. i see how much she cares, how much faith she entrusts in our relationship. i see how much our relationship really means to her, how much i mean to her.
and i see how much braver she has become. how, because of me, she would get into silent arguments with the other people.
i am so proud of her. i am really so proud of my girl.
although my girl moves in a very laid-back way, although sometimes she is that silly, funny, chldish girl, although at times she gets me so mad, i am proud.
i am so proud of you.
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