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This masquerade is getting older
Lights are low, the curtains down
There's no one here
Say your lines but do you feel them
Do you mean what you say when there's no one around
Watching you, watching me, one lonely star
Sometimes, I awake in the morning, feeling like things are very uncertain. It scares me, this uncertainty. There's a very thin line between the things that should and should not be uncertain, and when I cannot tell the difference between them, it makes me afraid.
There are things I wish I could say to so many people, but under circumstances sometimes it isn't possible. And I just hope that whoever these people may be, that they know what is it that I want to say. That upon understanding what is is that I want to say, that it would make them glad, or enable them to have a peace of mind.
Sometimes, I wish that so many things were different. If it is true that what you've gone through is a lesson learnt for the future, why is it that what you've gone through can also become a traumatic experience?
However, I also know that there can only be an up after a down. And the up comes now. Yes, things that I've gone through might become a traumatic experience, but when people start to change, this replaces the trauma of what you've gone through with hope, surprise, and happiness.
Time will make it all ok, hopefully. I know that it works. And I also am aware that my uncertainty is a passing phase, it will disappear soon. I can deal with it myself, and I will, because I don't like to bother anyone with it. So as for uncertainty, it will disappear, no qualms about that. When I have people who matter the most to me around me, I know I'm lucky that I've got them. I know that I should be grateful for that. When I have someone whom I know is all I could ask for, I know that things can never be that bad.
So, to you, you, and you, thank you.
To you, you, and you, I'm glad I've got you.
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