what the.

I fucking left my thumbdrive at the Free Access Lab on Tuesday, because I was rushing off for some research experiment, of which I was in a rush because I had to pick my grandma up and drive her to the hospital to visit my dad. And I had a lot of songs, documents, assignments, random writings, and some Sentosa pictures in my thumbdrive. And the thumbdrive is bloody hell expensive!
Then I realised I have an ulcer on my tongue.
After that, I had a horrible tiring day doing projects, of which it is still only half completed.
And then, I received an email from the shit company telling me they couldn't reimburse me because the project was aborted due to the fucked up motherfucking bastard who just took my money and upped and left.
Because of that, I was distracted, didn't pay attention to the fucking MSN conversation that I was having with my group members for another project, and now I have to fucking do some research methodology shit which I know nuts about, because I didn't do that for the report.
Really, what the fuck? Tiring and screwed up is how I would describe the past 3 days.
The only thing that makes it worth my while?
Missing you.
What the fuck, really.
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