
Anyway, speaking of Sentosa and the beach, I think it's true that the sun does sap your energy. I was there with a few of my friends from 1pm all the way to 7pm, and by the time we had dinner and all, I was so tired I was collapsing on the way home.
Therefore, if you are logical enough, you would then know that the me that's writing this right now is fucking sleepy. Extremely tired and sleepy. And my right big toe hurts like hell! I accidentally kicked the ball with my toe today, and the strength of it was powerful enough for the ball to soar quite high, so I currently have a very sore and stubbed toe that can't really function. Stubbed sore toe. Sigh. Add that to my list of things that is making feel what the hell??
There were peacocks at the beach, and so it made me think of this. If the male gender of a peacock = peacock, therefore the female gender of a peacock = peapussy?? Am I smart or what. Please say yes, I need some positive comments if I ever can go through this week without being burnt out. Haha.
I'm tired out of my mind. I don't know why, but recently I've been very tired. And I just realised that its already midweek and I haven't done my consumer behaviour assignment, sociology journal, consumer behaviour slides, and research methods slides. And there isn't time left. What the fuck. I'm screwed.
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