bedtime story??

Bedtime story, anyone??
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a girl. (We'll name her T.) Now, T received a small allowance from her parents each month. However, because T had overspent quite a bit the previous month, so T had to repay back everything she had overspent the previous month.
In addition to that, T had to pay for her own extremely high cellphone bill, which took up about half of her allowance. Then, she just had to buy a pair of new jeans, because those jeans made her look cool. (I know, T is really egotistical.) Besides that, T had to spend on drinks for her close friend's birthday celebration. And she had to buy top-ups for her prepaid sim card for another line.
Now, it is only the middle of the month. But, T is very, extremely broke. Her financial status is of a lot of concern to her, because she has never ever been this broke before. The bank even had to send her a statement saying that she had overdrawn her bank account.
So, T did something she thought was very smart, but apparently was very hilarious to every single one of her friends, when she told them about it.
Author's note: This is the climax, yo.
There are McDonalds' points to be redeemed each time you purchase a value meal there. Once you reach a certain amount of points, you can start redeeming them for individual burgers.
Well, T realised, a few days ago, that she was so broke that she did not have enough to have lunch. If she had lunch, she couldn't go rollerblading, or cycling by the beach. So. our dear T, decided to redeem her McDonalds aka Macs points.
Now, redeeming it once was not enough. Over a period of 2 days, T redeemed all her Macs points, until she had only 138 points left. The thing about it was, she had 1280 points in the beginning. And, she realised that in having that amount of points, that meant she had spent almost a total of $150 in total on Macs.
So, T initially thought that she was being smart, redeeming her points.
Then. When she told her friends about it, her friends laughed their ass off. And told T that was very bimbotic and hilarious.
But. T is happy. Very happy. Because, T is with someone she knows she will never leave. This girl, named P.
T and P. Together. It's a lovely match.
The moral of the story?
Please don't ever become so broke that you have to redeem McDonalds points.
Else, you'll end up having to eat grass, like me.
seee???! you're the bimbo! :)
you are the bimbo, yo. i've heard and seen enough to know that. you say hello to the weirdest things! :)
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