warmness to the heart with a smile :)

The conversation that popped into my head while riding the bus this afternoon (T = me, J = friend, B = my baby girl) :
J (To B, in front of me): "Ask T what her plans are for today. Hurry, ask T what her plans are for today!"
B (very innocently): "What are your plans for today, T?"
Me (very truthfully): "I'm gonna exercise by running to the fire escape, and then I'm gonna study."
This conversation took place when I was over in the other country with my baby, in her condo. Just so you know, the fire escape is 20m from the condo, and I go to the fire escape to smoke. My interpretation of studying is to watch CSI on my laptop and study the girls and the way they carry out forensic tests. I thought it was hilarious when I answered J the first time she asked. (Very honestly? When this conversation popped into my head, I just had to laugh to myself on the bus. Now, that, is ten times more embarrassing.)
On another note, this is a picture of J. Eisenhower (my affectionate last name for her), my sister and her boyfriend's dog.

She has... CK Je. (CK Be, gets?)
CK Je = CK J. Eisenhower.
If you want a scent that can put a smile on your face, if you want a scent that will freshen you up, if you want a scent that brings back memories that will warm your heart... ... this is the perfume to get. CK Je.
As a consumer, you even have a choice of what product line of CK Je you wanna purchase. There is the original CK Je, which is Eisenhower's original cute female doggy scent. One whiff and you will fall either head over heels in love with Eisenhower, or fall in a stupor due to the strong doggy scent Eisenhower has (all because my sister and her boyfriend work late at times and can only bathe her every 2 weeks).
If you don't want the original CK Je, you can purchase the product extension of CK Je -- CK Je (beef/lamb/chicken/broccoli). Yes, this is the other choice that you, my dearest consumer, may purchase. You get this scent when Eisenhower opens her mouth to lick you, after having eaten her very sumptious dinner of either beef, lamb, or chicken with broccoli. This scent is for consumers who want to try something new everyday. Everyday is a guessing game with CK Je's product extension. You never know what Eisenhower has eaten until she licks you.
However, please be warned that CK Je comes at an expensive price. It is priceless. Only consumers who have priceless as their funds can purchase CK Je.
For CK Je is solely for people Eisenhower loves, and for people who showers Eisenhower with love her in return.
CK Je brings warmness to my heart. CK Je makes me smile. CK Je welcomes me with barks and whines and licks all over my hand. CK Je puts a smile on my face, no matter how I'm feeling. And CK Je makes me happy.
CK Je is only entitled to a selected few. I am one of the lucky few.
(And come April, my baby girl will be another one of the lucky few.)
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