love's adventure

Have you ever been on an adventure of love? Love's adventure?
My baby girl, aka my girl, wants me to write a book about us both. I don't know how to go about doing it. So instead of writing a book, I think I will just document the on-goings of our life of love. This is, I believe, the first of many chapters to come. Hopefully, when it all comes together, when we read back on this, it will be a story of our love. A love story.
Anyway, so every once in a few weeks (or a few months), I get this itch to see her. To see my girl. It starts as something small, but the feeling grows bigger with every passing day that I don't get to see her. Then it starts to feel funny in my tummy, like I know I have to go and see her, because I must, because I want to love her.
So I do. I go over just to be with my girl.
So I was over there with her the beginning of March. The first week I was with her, it was just a lot of spending time together, being together, falling asleep to the sound of each other's breathing, waking up to each other's arms, spooning together. It was just talking, whispering sweet nothings, kissing, touching, holding each other, kissing, touching, kissing (have I already mentioned kissing countless times?? oops.).
The second week, we had time to go out. So go out, we did. We went on one of our countless adventures of love. It makes me smile, it makes me laugh, thinking about our adventures of love.
That Thursday afternoon, we went to this place (I shall name this place D) to shop. D is supposedly shopping heaven, because the stuff there is cheap and there is a great array of things to buy. In order to get there, it was either public transport, or a cab. We took public transport. (As usual, we were trying to save on transport.)
Before I go any further, just some clarifications. You know, the thing about my baby is that she is everything fun, she is beautiful, she is sweet, she is kind, she is intelligent, she is adventurous. But she can be a klutz at times. She can be clueless at times. Blur. And that day, was just one of those blur days.
First, my baby girl didn't know where we had to go to take public transport. (But at least she asked around.) So we had to walk in the hot, and I mean HOT, sun, just to figure out the place where we could ride the transport. And then, upon boarding that transport, this girl of mine made me pay the driver. As if I knew how to communicate with him. As if I knew what he was saying. As if I knew how to tell him that I wanted to pay him, when I was sitting behind and he was driving in front. So I did the only available (and stupid) thing I could do -- I tapped him on his shoulder and handed him the money.
And then, I realised. That no one tapped him on the shoulder. All they did was say something that I couldn't figure out, and he would turn around and they would pay him. (And all this while, I was trying to make myself blend in and not seem like I don't belong there.)
Then, on the way there, my beautiful girl turned to me and said, "I don't know where we are." Would you like to know how I felt then?? You know, baby, I know you are beautiful and intelligent and you are my sweet baby, but, you know, in times like these, maybe, maybe you could try to be less blur.
Anyway, somehow, somewhere, whatever, we found our way to D. (hip hip hooray?)
And then, in D, I decided to shop. Because, you see, its cheaper there than it is here to shop, so I decided that I wanted to buy tops and shoes and everything else. Clothes, basically. So we walked around, and guess what?? I bought 4 tops!!
Oh... wait. Sorry. I bought 4 tops for my girl. Oops. I forgot to elaborate. I bought 4 tops, yay, for my girl. :))) (I couldn't resist, I had to add those smiley faces.)
And then we got a little bit dizzy and lost and confused because that place was a maze. As in, literally a maze. And the lighting made me dizzy, which made her dizzy, which made both of us lost, which made both of us confused, which made both of us clueless, which made us think it was a maze, which made us... ... ... okay, I have no idea what I'm talking about now. I'm lost.
And then, we went to another mall. Ate at Pizza Hut, with an annoying small black fly that kept appearing out of nowhere. That fly, I have to tell you, seemed to only attack us. It would fly to me, then to her, then to me, then everywhere else around us. That annoying fly. Rawr.
And at that mall, I had my ring engraved. It's lovely. It truly is. It fills me with a sense of warmth, each time I look at our names on my ring. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but hell, engraving that ring, it really meant a lot. To me, it somehow is like putting a stamp on us, a stamp of together forever.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I bought my sneakers there. And so did my baby. We both did. (Those were the only things I bought.) And we bought DVDs. Oh yeah, and I wanted to buy... you know... those kinda DVDs so we could watch it at night and, you know... get all horny and kinky and stuff. (Just fyi, I am an open person, but someone gets really shy when I document these kinda stuff. Can I just roll my eyes.)
So here is where the adventure really begins. Baby wanted to get games for our PSP, so we did. AND we sat there for like an hour and a half, just waiting for 4 games to be uploaded into our PSP. When normally it would take like 20 minutes, this took forever. I sat on that stool, got impatient, went to smoke, came back, and still it was uploading. I tell you, I could have smoked till I turned into a chimney, and the games would still be uploading.
And then, we went out of the mall. Only to realise that the sky had turned dark. As in, really dark cos it was night time by then. The thing about that place is that once it turns dark, evil lurks around corners and in alleys (so Shakespeare-an).
And you know, when it comes to these kinda stuff, I protect my girl, because she doesn't look too fierce. She just looks too cute and innocent. But you know, I was hardly in a position to protect her because I wasn't familiar with that area that we were in.
And honestly (I didn't tell you this, bee) she made me scared. She got me scared because she was flitting around like some nervous scared bee flying around. Just imagine her wringing her hands in despair. Yes... that's it. She was scared, because it was so dark, and people get held up there when it gets dark. So we wanted to get a cab. But we had to walk past this dark street in order to get to the main road and hail a cab.
But, my bay was brave. She really is something. Put her in a situation where she has to do something, and she will. She went up to a police officer, and somehow she managed to persuade the officer to walk with us past the dark street, to the main road. (Thank you, Mr Policeman, by the way. You make your country proud.) And I have to say, I was glad Mr Policeman was with us. Because as we were walking past this empty lot, I saw 2 suspicious guys lurking around, and there were heading towards us. My guess is they were targeting us as hold-up victims. But I think, and I really think, they saw Mr Policeman, looking all dangerous with his weapon and baton and flashlight or whatever, and they stopped walking towards us.
Upon reaching the main road, instead of getting into a cab, guess what?? We got into a tricycle. Great. I felt like an ant on the road with all those huge cars. I'm telling you, cars have never seemed that gigantic and scary until I got into that tricycle.
But Mr Tricycle Man was nice too. He dropped us at another street to have our dinner, and he waited for us, probably because we both looked so vulnerable and lost. (How can I look vulnerable, hello. I am supposed to look threatening and fierce. Whatever. But thank you, anyway, Mr Tricycle Man.)
Then, Mr Tricycle Man took us home, back to the condo. And let me tell you this. Riding the tricycle for like 20 minutes is horrible. An experience nonetheless, but still, it was kinda shaky. Shaky as in literally shaky shaky. Shaky scary Shaky horrible Shaky not-so-bad-after-all. At least we got home safe.
You know, now I know how vibrators feel like. After getting off from the tricycle, I was vibrating all on my own. The ride was so shaky and vibrat-ey that I was vibrating. As baby told me, "I am vibrating all on my own!!" (in a very stunned and bimbotic voice, please.)
Yes, it was true. That statement. Is. True. I was vibrating all on my own. And I felt like I had a funny look on my face. I felt like the features on my face were no longer in place, like they were jittered and shaken out of place. My hair was blown to the side, and it kinda felt like Mariah Carey's big hair on a bad day. And it felt like the skin on my face had all but been flattened to the back of my head. In other words, I had my very own skin-tightening, Botox-like operation. Just by riding the tricycle for 20 minutes.
So, you know, yes, if you have no money, you might wanna consider riding a tricycle for 20 minutes instead of Botox. As effective as Botox, results guaranteed.
But then, we made it home safe. And all in all, it was an adventure. It was a love-nture. An adventure of love. Because, honestly, how annoyed or pissed can you get, when you're out and on an adventure with the girl you love?
Besides, any adventure always ends with a bang. Right? And our adventure did end with a bang. In the condo, on the bed. Of course, I am not about to go into explicit details. But, you know, if you do so want to know, it really did end with a bang. A huge bang.
I'm proud of you, actually, baby. Despite not really knowing what to do or where to go, you did it, and through it all, you made sure I was safe. You took care of our safety. Despite what others might say about you, I am proud of you. You are someone to be proud of, especially on that love-nture.
So, baby.
Where shall we go for our next love-nture? What will it be?
You know there will be many more to come, for a lifetime. :)
We are love's adventure.
My baby girl, aka my girl, wants me to write a book about us both. I don't know how to go about doing it. So instead of writing a book, I think I will just document the on-goings of our life of love. This is, I believe, the first of many chapters to come. Hopefully, when it all comes together, when we read back on this, it will be a story of our love. A love story.
Anyway, so every once in a few weeks (or a few months), I get this itch to see her. To see my girl. It starts as something small, but the feeling grows bigger with every passing day that I don't get to see her. Then it starts to feel funny in my tummy, like I know I have to go and see her, because I must, because I want to love her.
So I do. I go over just to be with my girl.
So I was over there with her the beginning of March. The first week I was with her, it was just a lot of spending time together, being together, falling asleep to the sound of each other's breathing, waking up to each other's arms, spooning together. It was just talking, whispering sweet nothings, kissing, touching, holding each other, kissing, touching, kissing (have I already mentioned kissing countless times?? oops.).
The second week, we had time to go out. So go out, we did. We went on one of our countless adventures of love. It makes me smile, it makes me laugh, thinking about our adventures of love.
That Thursday afternoon, we went to this place (I shall name this place D) to shop. D is supposedly shopping heaven, because the stuff there is cheap and there is a great array of things to buy. In order to get there, it was either public transport, or a cab. We took public transport. (As usual, we were trying to save on transport.)
Before I go any further, just some clarifications. You know, the thing about my baby is that she is everything fun, she is beautiful, she is sweet, she is kind, she is intelligent, she is adventurous. But she can be a klutz at times. She can be clueless at times. Blur. And that day, was just one of those blur days.
First, my baby girl didn't know where we had to go to take public transport. (But at least she asked around.) So we had to walk in the hot, and I mean HOT, sun, just to figure out the place where we could ride the transport. And then, upon boarding that transport, this girl of mine made me pay the driver. As if I knew how to communicate with him. As if I knew what he was saying. As if I knew how to tell him that I wanted to pay him, when I was sitting behind and he was driving in front. So I did the only available (and stupid) thing I could do -- I tapped him on his shoulder and handed him the money.
And then, I realised. That no one tapped him on the shoulder. All they did was say something that I couldn't figure out, and he would turn around and they would pay him. (And all this while, I was trying to make myself blend in and not seem like I don't belong there.)
Then, on the way there, my beautiful girl turned to me and said, "I don't know where we are." Would you like to know how I felt then?? You know, baby, I know you are beautiful and intelligent and you are my sweet baby, but, you know, in times like these, maybe, maybe you could try to be less blur.
Anyway, somehow, somewhere, whatever, we found our way to D. (hip hip hooray?)
And then, in D, I decided to shop. Because, you see, its cheaper there than it is here to shop, so I decided that I wanted to buy tops and shoes and everything else. Clothes, basically. So we walked around, and guess what?? I bought 4 tops!!
Oh... wait. Sorry. I bought 4 tops for my girl. Oops. I forgot to elaborate. I bought 4 tops, yay, for my girl. :))) (I couldn't resist, I had to add those smiley faces.)
And then we got a little bit dizzy and lost and confused because that place was a maze. As in, literally a maze. And the lighting made me dizzy, which made her dizzy, which made both of us lost, which made both of us confused, which made both of us clueless, which made us think it was a maze, which made us... ... ... okay, I have no idea what I'm talking about now. I'm lost.
And then, we went to another mall. Ate at Pizza Hut, with an annoying small black fly that kept appearing out of nowhere. That fly, I have to tell you, seemed to only attack us. It would fly to me, then to her, then to me, then everywhere else around us. That annoying fly. Rawr.
And at that mall, I had my ring engraved. It's lovely. It truly is. It fills me with a sense of warmth, each time I look at our names on my ring. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but hell, engraving that ring, it really meant a lot. To me, it somehow is like putting a stamp on us, a stamp of together forever.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I bought my sneakers there. And so did my baby. We both did. (Those were the only things I bought.) And we bought DVDs. Oh yeah, and I wanted to buy... you know... those kinda DVDs so we could watch it at night and, you know... get all horny and kinky and stuff. (Just fyi, I am an open person, but someone gets really shy when I document these kinda stuff. Can I just roll my eyes.)
So here is where the adventure really begins. Baby wanted to get games for our PSP, so we did. AND we sat there for like an hour and a half, just waiting for 4 games to be uploaded into our PSP. When normally it would take like 20 minutes, this took forever. I sat on that stool, got impatient, went to smoke, came back, and still it was uploading. I tell you, I could have smoked till I turned into a chimney, and the games would still be uploading.
And then, we went out of the mall. Only to realise that the sky had turned dark. As in, really dark cos it was night time by then. The thing about that place is that once it turns dark, evil lurks around corners and in alleys (so Shakespeare-an).
And you know, when it comes to these kinda stuff, I protect my girl, because she doesn't look too fierce. She just looks too cute and innocent. But you know, I was hardly in a position to protect her because I wasn't familiar with that area that we were in.
And honestly (I didn't tell you this, bee) she made me scared. She got me scared because she was flitting around like some nervous scared bee flying around. Just imagine her wringing her hands in despair. Yes... that's it. She was scared, because it was so dark, and people get held up there when it gets dark. So we wanted to get a cab. But we had to walk past this dark street in order to get to the main road and hail a cab.
But, my bay was brave. She really is something. Put her in a situation where she has to do something, and she will. She went up to a police officer, and somehow she managed to persuade the officer to walk with us past the dark street, to the main road. (Thank you, Mr Policeman, by the way. You make your country proud.) And I have to say, I was glad Mr Policeman was with us. Because as we were walking past this empty lot, I saw 2 suspicious guys lurking around, and there were heading towards us. My guess is they were targeting us as hold-up victims. But I think, and I really think, they saw Mr Policeman, looking all dangerous with his weapon and baton and flashlight or whatever, and they stopped walking towards us.
Upon reaching the main road, instead of getting into a cab, guess what?? We got into a tricycle. Great. I felt like an ant on the road with all those huge cars. I'm telling you, cars have never seemed that gigantic and scary until I got into that tricycle.
But Mr Tricycle Man was nice too. He dropped us at another street to have our dinner, and he waited for us, probably because we both looked so vulnerable and lost. (How can I look vulnerable, hello. I am supposed to look threatening and fierce. Whatever. But thank you, anyway, Mr Tricycle Man.)
Then, Mr Tricycle Man took us home, back to the condo. And let me tell you this. Riding the tricycle for like 20 minutes is horrible. An experience nonetheless, but still, it was kinda shaky. Shaky as in literally shaky shaky. Shaky scary Shaky horrible Shaky not-so-bad-after-all. At least we got home safe.
You know, now I know how vibrators feel like. After getting off from the tricycle, I was vibrating all on my own. The ride was so shaky and vibrat-ey that I was vibrating. As baby told me, "I am vibrating all on my own!!" (in a very stunned and bimbotic voice, please.)
Yes, it was true. That statement. Is. True. I was vibrating all on my own. And I felt like I had a funny look on my face. I felt like the features on my face were no longer in place, like they were jittered and shaken out of place. My hair was blown to the side, and it kinda felt like Mariah Carey's big hair on a bad day. And it felt like the skin on my face had all but been flattened to the back of my head. In other words, I had my very own skin-tightening, Botox-like operation. Just by riding the tricycle for 20 minutes.
So, you know, yes, if you have no money, you might wanna consider riding a tricycle for 20 minutes instead of Botox. As effective as Botox, results guaranteed.
But then, we made it home safe. And all in all, it was an adventure. It was a love-nture. An adventure of love. Because, honestly, how annoyed or pissed can you get, when you're out and on an adventure with the girl you love?
Besides, any adventure always ends with a bang. Right? And our adventure did end with a bang. In the condo, on the bed. Of course, I am not about to go into explicit details. But, you know, if you do so want to know, it really did end with a bang. A huge bang.
I'm proud of you, actually, baby. Despite not really knowing what to do or where to go, you did it, and through it all, you made sure I was safe. You took care of our safety. Despite what others might say about you, I am proud of you. You are someone to be proud of, especially on that love-nture.
So, baby.
Where shall we go for our next love-nture? What will it be?
You know there will be many more to come, for a lifetime. :)
We are love's adventure.
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