Wednesday, January 10, 2007


This fucked up inefficient school system is annoying me greatly. To wake up in the morning to realise that the inefficient registration of subjects system screwed up, making me change my plans about a dozen times, annoys me greatly. Not to mention spoiling my day and making me replan everything again. At the risk of getting scolded.

Seriously, you would expect one of the very few universities over here to be efficient. But no. First the system screws up. Then registration fails. And when I finally can get in, there are no more fucking vacancies. Just because of one system scew-up which made me get into the system late.

Now I'm stuck with a fucked up timetable and no electives. There isn't much time for me to clear my academic units, and yet I cannot get an elective. Because there are no fucking vacancies.

Please stop screwing up my timetable. Please be more efficient.

You have no fucking idea how fucking annoyed I am with this fucking system.


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