updating myself

[Current Clothes] A large Mr Sneeze shirt and cartoon boxers
[Current Mood ] Procrastinating against going to school
[ Current Music ] "Reason Why" by Rachel Yamagata
[ Current Taste ] Clorets sweets
[ Current Hair ] Wet, just washed
[ Current Annoyance ] School timetable screw-up and parents, in particular my annoying mom
[ Current Smell ] The rain
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] Let's see. Learning how to play the pc game -- Fate?
[ Current Desktop Picture ] Some collage thing
[ Current Favorite Group ] The US Women's Soccer Team
[ Current Video in player ] The L Word Season 1
[ Current color Of Toenails ] Not painted
[ Current Book you're reading] "The Calhouns" by Nora Roberts
[ Current CD in CD Player ] Michael Buble
[ Current Refreshment ] Hot japanese green tea
[ Current Worry ] Not being able to switch timetable slots
[ You Touched ] L
[ You Talked to ] My girl
[ You Hugged ] Pris
[ You Instant messaged ] My girl
[ You Yelled At ] L
[ You Kissed ] Once again. My girl.
[ Food ] Almost everything. Except spicy stuff. Dim sum, roti prata and what nots.
[ Drink ] Tea. Green tea, black tea, whatever. Just without sugar or milk. Starbuck's passion tea as well.
[ Color ] Blue, green, maroon etc
[ Album ] Too many to start.
[ Shoes ] Birkenstocks, flip flops, Nike sneakers
[ Candy ] Mint sweets, chocolates, strawberry gummy bears, gum
[ Animal ] Cats, dogs, koalas, pandas, happy feet. Almost all animals.
[ Show ] The L Word? Grey's Anatomy? CSI? Nip/Tuck?
[ Movie ] Almost all that i've watched. I watch what I like. The Last Kiss, We Don't Live Here Anymore, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, The Queen etc
[ Dance ] None? Not much of a dancer eh.
[ Song ] Too many to start.
[ Vegetable ] Tomatoes? Cucumbers? Lettuce?
[ Fruit ] Nectarines, oranges, peaches, pineapples, rambutans
[ Cartoon ] Happy Feet, Winnie The Pooh, Looney Tunes, The Carebears, Bananas In Pyjamas
[ Understanding ] People say I am. Most of the time I am, I'd like to think that.
[ Open-minded ] Yes. Very so. Especially when it comes to sex.
[ Arrogant ] Yes, on the outside, quite a bit. No, on the inside.
[ Insecure ] I'd like to say no, but honestly? Yes. Oftentimes I get insecure.
[ Interesting ] Maybe yes? Maybe no? It differs for the people who know me on different levels I guess.
[ Random ] Sometimes.
[ Hungry ] Yes. Most of the time.
[ Friendly ] I think so. Only after I've warmed up to people. If not, I'm just intimidatingly unfriendly for a while, until people start being friendly. lol.
[ Smart ] Can I say yes? Yes. I hope.
[ Moody ] Yes. At times. Often times. Sometimes. I don't know.
[ Childish ] Oh yes. It depends on who I'm with at that time.
[ Independent ] Very so, in a way.
[ Obsessed ] Takes a lot for me to get obsessed with someone.
[ Angry ] Not usually, until someone really pisses me off. And the dragon will be unleashed.
[ Sad ] Recently so, but it's getting better.
[ Happy ] More so now then 4 months ago.
[ Hyper ] Nope.
[ Trusting ] In the past. I'm learning to trust now again, though.
[ Talkative ] Only with the people I'm familiar and comfortable with.
[ Kill ] No one, currently. Ask me again tomorrow, I'm sure there'll be someone I wanna kill.
[ Slap ] Nada. On second thoughts, maybe the school system people.
[ Get Real Wasted With ] Can I don't?? But if I were to choose, I'd say my girl. Or L and B. haha.
[ Get High With ] Read above.
[ Look Like ] Myself. It's called learning to be confident. I think.
[ Talk To Offline ] Mother Nature, to ask her to make Singapore a cooler and windier place.
[ Talk To Online ] My laptop? When it doesn't work or is slow.
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