
i could totally kick your ass.
this morning turned out fine at first. i was so proud cos i woke up super early just to go for class. (i have never done that in 3 years of uni life; i normally just skip class if it's too early.)
and then, i caught the train to school. first, the train was stuffy. the a/c woke up on the wrong side of the bed, i think, because it refused to blow strongly. but it started to blow strongly when i was 1/4 into the looong and winding road journey to school, so i guess the a/c already had its breakfast. that's why its mood improved.
somewhere halfway along the journey on the train, a young lady sat beside me. she had a copy of the free paper with her, so she read it. i didn't mind. and then a few stops later, a middle-aged lady sat beside me. with the same free paper, but in a different language (because singapore has 4 different languages).
and then. BOTH people sitting on either side of me started reading their papers AT THE SAME TIME on the train. the girl on my left decided that she didn't have any space, so she stole a glance at me. apparently thinking that it was alright since i wasn't reading anything, she spread her paper even wider, obscuring half of my view on the left side. then the lady on my right, apparently seeing the girl on my left do the same, DID THE SAME THING TOO. so i ended up with 2 newspapers almost obscuring half of my face. that irritated me enough, because i don't particularly like the smell of newspapers.
to make matters worse, a lady then boarded the train, and stood in front of me, READING THE SAME PAPER. i felt like i was trapped in newspaper world, where everyone surrounding me was reading the papers, and my view was totally obscured by 3 newspapers-wielding ladies. that irritated me enough.
and then, i caught the bus into school. on the bus, there was a young lady sitting opposite me. i guess she was going for classes too, cos she looked like it. but she annoyed me so much i spent half my time rolling my eyes at her and pointedly looking in the other direction.
that girl is omg super annoying. as in. you know the type of girl who thinks she's so pretty and who thinks that the entire world is looking at her because she's so pretty?? yep, that's the girl. to me, she was slightly above average, but her lofty vain attitude put me straight off.
first, she was wearing shorts that were so super short, i thought she should just wear her girl boxers to school. and then, i realised it wasn't just her outfit. it was her attitude.
first, it was the oh-i-know-i'm-so-pretty smile. she had that permanent fake fixed half-smile on her face, that kind of smile which says i-know-i'm-so-pretty-and-i-know-you're-looking-at-me-i-should-act-shy kinda smile. annoyed me terribly. and then. she had that oh-i'm-so-gorgeous-i-have-to-fling-my-hair-back-in-a-certain-way look. she really had to flip her hair in that uhhhhh Tyra Banks way or like Shakira way or something. annoying.
and then, to my horror, i realised she even had an i'm-so-hot-i-know-you're-looking-at-me way of texting. each time she received a text, she had to rearrange the way she sat, so her legs were demurely crossed (like hell it was, because it wasn't before, until she noticed some middle-aged guy staring at her). and then she had to smile that stupid fake i-know-i'm-so-pretty smile each time she started to reply to her text. my gosh.
she even had a way of fixing her hair. i wanted to mess it up for her just to see how she would react. she had to have part of her hair strategically covering half her eye and her face. if her hair didn't strategically cover that part, she would rearrange it again just to make sure it did cover that part of her face. (and no, she didn't have anything embarrassing to hide at that part of her face. she was fine.) and her lipstick, her eyeshadow, her mascara. it was thick enough that i could have made 3 cups of thick coffee out of it for my prof, my classmate, and me.
she irritated me all the way into school on the bus because of her actions that were obviously just screaming for attention. as if her perfume wasn't choking enough. first, the 3 newspaper-wielding ladies on the train. and then the oh-my-gosh-i'm-so-gorgeous-i-know-you're-looking-at-me girl.
my goodness. to think that at first i felt so proud of myself for waking up super early to go for class. (but i still am proud of myself, in any case.)
and the other thing i found out awhile ago? this case of missing my girl doesn't go away. it might have gone into hiding for awhile, it might have taken a backseat because i'm busy, but it doesn't go away. i miss my girl. i super-kaduper (so bimbotic, baby!) miss my girl.
the S word, as compared to the effort. hahahahahahaha baby! super hilarious!
i am so bitchy today.
this morning turned out fine at first. i was so proud cos i woke up super early just to go for class. (i have never done that in 3 years of uni life; i normally just skip class if it's too early.)
and then, i caught the train to school. first, the train was stuffy. the a/c woke up on the wrong side of the bed, i think, because it refused to blow strongly. but it started to blow strongly when i was 1/4 into the looong and winding road journey to school, so i guess the a/c already had its breakfast. that's why its mood improved.
somewhere halfway along the journey on the train, a young lady sat beside me. she had a copy of the free paper with her, so she read it. i didn't mind. and then a few stops later, a middle-aged lady sat beside me. with the same free paper, but in a different language (because singapore has 4 different languages).
and then. BOTH people sitting on either side of me started reading their papers AT THE SAME TIME on the train. the girl on my left decided that she didn't have any space, so she stole a glance at me. apparently thinking that it was alright since i wasn't reading anything, she spread her paper even wider, obscuring half of my view on the left side. then the lady on my right, apparently seeing the girl on my left do the same, DID THE SAME THING TOO. so i ended up with 2 newspapers almost obscuring half of my face. that irritated me enough, because i don't particularly like the smell of newspapers.
to make matters worse, a lady then boarded the train, and stood in front of me, READING THE SAME PAPER. i felt like i was trapped in newspaper world, where everyone surrounding me was reading the papers, and my view was totally obscured by 3 newspapers-wielding ladies. that irritated me enough.
and then, i caught the bus into school. on the bus, there was a young lady sitting opposite me. i guess she was going for classes too, cos she looked like it. but she annoyed me so much i spent half my time rolling my eyes at her and pointedly looking in the other direction.
that girl is omg super annoying. as in. you know the type of girl who thinks she's so pretty and who thinks that the entire world is looking at her because she's so pretty?? yep, that's the girl. to me, she was slightly above average, but her lofty vain attitude put me straight off.
first, she was wearing shorts that were so super short, i thought she should just wear her girl boxers to school. and then, i realised it wasn't just her outfit. it was her attitude.
first, it was the oh-i-know-i'm-so-pretty smile. she had that permanent fake fixed half-smile on her face, that kind of smile which says i-know-i'm-so-pretty-and-i-know-you're-looking-at-me-i-should-act-shy kinda smile. annoyed me terribly. and then. she had that oh-i'm-so-gorgeous-i-have-to-fling-my-hair-back-in-a-certain-way look. she really had to flip her hair in that uhhhhh Tyra Banks way or like Shakira way or something. annoying.
and then, to my horror, i realised she even had an i'm-so-hot-i-know-you're-looking-at-me way of texting. each time she received a text, she had to rearrange the way she sat, so her legs were demurely crossed (like hell it was, because it wasn't before, until she noticed some middle-aged guy staring at her). and then she had to smile that stupid fake i-know-i'm-so-pretty smile each time she started to reply to her text. my gosh.
she even had a way of fixing her hair. i wanted to mess it up for her just to see how she would react. she had to have part of her hair strategically covering half her eye and her face. if her hair didn't strategically cover that part, she would rearrange it again just to make sure it did cover that part of her face. (and no, she didn't have anything embarrassing to hide at that part of her face. she was fine.) and her lipstick, her eyeshadow, her mascara. it was thick enough that i could have made 3 cups of thick coffee out of it for my prof, my classmate, and me.
she irritated me all the way into school on the bus because of her actions that were obviously just screaming for attention. as if her perfume wasn't choking enough. first, the 3 newspaper-wielding ladies on the train. and then the oh-my-gosh-i'm-so-gorgeous-i-know-you're-looking-at-me girl.
my goodness. to think that at first i felt so proud of myself for waking up super early to go for class. (but i still am proud of myself, in any case.)
and the other thing i found out awhile ago? this case of missing my girl doesn't go away. it might have gone into hiding for awhile, it might have taken a backseat because i'm busy, but it doesn't go away. i miss my girl. i super-kaduper (so bimbotic, baby!) miss my girl.
the S word, as compared to the effort. hahahahahahaha baby! super hilarious!
i am so bitchy today.
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