crack and fill

Do you get this feeling that everything about you is smooth except for this one small crack?
Do you get it, sometimes?
Because I do.
At times, I feel that everything is all fine.
Except for this one small tiny crack.
It chooses to manifest itself
Right at the time when I get scared
Right at the time when I start to doubt
And right at the time when I am insecure.
This tiny small crack is sneaky
It chooses to appear
Only when it knows I am scared
Only when it knows I am doubtful or insecure.
I try not to let it show
The crack is just a crack
But at times, it becomes huge
It becomes real
And when I do let you in
To you, ... ... ... ... ...?
I hate to doubt
And I hate this insecurity
I hate the tiny crack that is invisibly there
Once bitten, twice shy.
Twice bitten, and then...?
I wait for you to fix things
I wait for you to fix the crack
I wait for you to fill it up with love and security.
Sometimes, you fix it.
Sometimes, ... ... ... ...
Some things need constant work
Before things get to the way it was before
Or before things get to the way it should be
The way it will always be.
It is you.
It is.
And my dreams, my heart, my mind
They include you
You are in everything that I do
You are in everything that I say
You are in every part, every crevice of me.
You are my everything.
And I know that it is you.
So, when this crack appears,
Instead of impatience and anger,
Please, try to fix it
Please, fill it up with love and security, patience and trust
So that the crack will never show itself again.
For it is you.
And I know that it is me for you.
It is us.
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