over a bottle of beer

i got to talking to a friend about long distance relationships over a bottle of corona a while ago.
i realise that i am not the only one who calls up my other half everyday, even if it's a long distance relationship, even if it's a long distance call. i thought i was more or less alone, because, living here, everyone knows the importance of money all too well, so they spend it less on things like this.
but upon talking to my friend, i realise that she does the same thing i do -- talk to her other half, who is in another country, everyday on the phone and online. i talk to my girl every night; at times i call her at whatever time of the day when i have the time to do so. but my friend, she calls her boyfriend everyday, if not, her boyfriend calls her, 5 times a day being the least. not to mention talking online everyday.
but we came to the same conclusion -- that is why we are still so in love with the ones we love. that is why, despite the distance, we do not cheat, we do not have wandering eyes, we do not have the temptation to even flirt with someone else -- because we still feel as close as we are to our other halfs. because we love, and we love deeply.
i talk to her every night on the phone. even if she's busy, even if i'm busy, even if she has to catch up on her work or has to work on her thesis, even if i have to wake up at 5am the next day for work, we talk every night. even for 5 or 10 minutes, it's still enough. we still talk. and talking every night keeps our relationship going on strong, keeps the flames of our love burning strong, because despite the distance, we are still as close as ever, in our hearts.
that aside, the love she has for me, and the love i have for her, is more than enough to keep us going. we love each other, that i know. and we love deeply. it's almost as if our hearts and soul are in sync, at one, and we love, so deeply, so intertwined, that nothing can tear us apart. and it really is nothing. in the past, she would run, at the first sign of arguments or quarrels everyday. but now, she stays. she stays, because she wants to work things out. she stays, because she wants to understand me and our relationship better. she stays, because her love for me and my love for her overpowers so many other insignificant things.
many couples take this for granted. they take the calling up of each other for granted. as i'm writing this, i'm aware of some couples who do not even call their partners everyday, or do not even call at all, maybe except for once in a while, once in a blue moon. this simple action is taken for granted because their other half is with them, in the same country, and they can meet up as and when. but the important thing in all of this is communication. because most times, the most sincere of communications, the most important of communications, the closest to heart of communications, is found in the everyday phone calls to the other half.
i guess what i'm saying is that, over a few bottles of corona and the discussion of long distance relationships, they really do work. long distance really does work. if you really love. if you really want. and if you really put your heart and soul in it, because, and only because you love.
i love her, as she loves me. and our relationship works magical wonders.
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