accept the change

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; ..."
Do you really leave a part of yourself behind each time you have a conversation with someone, each time you are with someone? Do you really make an impression on someone, anyone you communicate with, at any one time?
I would like to think that I do. I would like to think that I have. I would like to think a great many things.
Could that be possible, do you think?
Silent yet observant, quiet yet knowing. Wanting but never telling, afraid yet being a pillar of strength. Quiet, just keeping quiet.
Maybe I don't leave much of an impression on many people. Perhaps that doesn't occur. I wonder if I should be glad, or if I should regret, because this thing works both ways. You could either be forgotten, or you could be appreciated.
At times, I wonder if perhaps, just perhaps, because I seldom make a fuss, because I seldom complain about things like these, I get left behind. I get taken for granted; I get forgotten.
Perhaps people are just different. Even when I'm out having fun, even when I could be doing something fantastic and fun, I seldom forget. Even when I'm busy, really busy, I seldom forget. Perhaps people are just really different. Perhaps I am just stubborn in taking such a long time to accept this. Perhaps I am just being difficult, accepting it, yet taking such a long time.
Acceptance takes awhile, this I know. Acceptance requires change, yet there are some changes that could bring about melancholy. I suppose while I am coming to terms with certain things, while I am being honest to myself, I should take any changes that come my way, and accept it.
After all, acceptance is a chance. Change is a chance. I should recognise those opportunities to accept and to change.
But sometimes, the road is tough and long. With all due respect, there are certain things which i think require almost the same line of thinking and the same actions. Perhaps the same mentality. I don't know. But I suppose so.
I wonder, at times, if I am being taken for granted and forgotten. But then again, I suppose the only way to think this through is to just put it as the other party's loss. For there really is nothing else I can do in this aspect.
Maybe I should give others a chance. Perhaps I mean something to them, perhaps I am not taken for granted, perhaps they just don't show it, perhaps they just don't voice it out. But then again, how else am I supposed to know, then? Everything points towards someone else, every action points towards something, or someone, making that person happy, but not towards me. Maybe, though, I should just give chances and opportunities.
This makes sense to me, but I have to wonder if it makes sense to anyone else. Because my mind moves so quickly, it swerves and bumps around in all directions, that having to catch my thoughts before it changes direction requires a rapid action.
Perhaps this makes sense to only me.
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