i know what that means

everyone always says, "she takes away my troubles and worries."
i know now what it means. i know now how that feels.
each time i have some worry or some trouble, i look to her. each time i have a sucky day, each time i feel like there is a heavy weight in my heart, i run to her. i never knew why it was that i would always wanna talk to her whenever i have a heavy heart, or whenever i feel sad, but now i know why.
i was upset yesterday and today. and both times, i needed, i wanted to talk to her so bad. and it was only after listening to her, after hearing her voice, after whispering and exchanging sweet nothings, that i calmed down and i wasn't as upset. i understand why now. i realise why now.
it is because she really is the one who takes away my worries and troubles. just the sound of her voice, just listening to her talk, just talking to her, soothes my soul and makes my worries disappear.
i don't really know how to explain it, but all i know is when i'm upset and i talk to her, it feels like im not alone. it feels like there really is someone out there who really loves me, whom i can confess everything to and who will still love me. i don't know how to explain it, but each time i get sad or feel upset, i make it a point to really talk to her that night. because after talking to her at night, i feel less upset, i feel less sad, and i go to bed alot happier because she's made my heavy heart so much lighter. i don't know how to explain it.
the fact that i only know now what it means goes to show that there never was anyone who could really take away my worries and troubles. not until she came along. with her, it's different. i know everyone says that, but i also know its different in my case. because i previously really never felt that anyone could take away my worries and troubles. at least, none of my previous relationships could.
but this girl, this girl of mine, it's so different. just by hearing her sweet sweet voice, just by listening to her, just by confessing to her that i'm sad, even if its over the stupidest reason, it takes away my worries and troubles.
she is my soul-soother. she is my knight in shining armour. she is my beautiful princess waiting to be kissed. she is the one who calms me down and soothes my soul. she is my anchor.
and i love her so.
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