Tuesday, November 25, 2008

things that annoy VS things that do not annoy

These are the things that annoyed me today:

1) That asshole who walked out of the lift without so much as a 'thank you' or a nod of acknowledgement when I held the lift door open for him. As if I was the elevator girl. At least elevator girls get paid. My act of graciousness was not paid.

2) That asshole's kids who did nothing except stare at me while I held the lift door open for them. Then again, if their dad did not utter 'thank you', I doubt his kids would.

3) The mom who keeps assuming the silliest things that have totally no link to anything at all, and for always using the wrong vocabulary words to describe them. And then expecting me to react, and when I tell her not to bother, she gets all riled up.

4) That selfish self-centred sister who has no mind of her own and expects the world to do everything for her, and when no one does shit for her, she starts throwing her tantrums. It's not as if she is 10. Hello, there is such a thing as doing your own stuff if you want to get it done. No one is here to do your shit for you, especially if your shit stinks to hell and back. This isn't exactly the Wizard of Oz, and you aren't exactly Dorothy, so don't expect to snap your fingers 3 times and see everything get done for you. Spoilt Selfish Insensible.

5) That woman who thinks she isn't being annoying by standing behind me all the time while I am having my dinner, just because my sister's dog is with us. It really is kinda annoying, having you stand behind my chair all the time while I eat. I feel as if I am being guarded while eating. Total lack of freedom.

6) Those people who think that being lesbian is a disease and that lesbianism is something that should be banned and can be changed. No, I do not want to change myself. I am as happy as can be. In fact, I am probably ten times happier than you, you, or anyone of you. By the way, being a lesbian is not a disease. Thinking about lesbianism as a disease, now, that is a disease.

7) The rude commuters who push their way into the train when I am trying my darnest to exit the train. What happened to all the courtesy campaigns and the signs that tell you to please let alighting commuters exit first? Just because you are middle-aged and own an umbrella does not mean that you jab your umbrella into my leg so that you can enter before I exit. Don't you know that I will push you back doubly hard?

8) My cellphone because it had to run out of battery at the exact same time when finally, I get to talk to baby in the nice way that I miss.

9) The weather, because it was so fucking humid and warm the whole of today that havin 3 fans turned on at the same time did not really work.

Well, what do you know. I stopped just short of having ten annoyances today.

Anyway, these are the things that made me happy today.

1) J. Eisenhower, my sister and her boyfriend's dog, because just that cute adorable look on her cute face when I stroke her and scratch behind her ears just makes me smile. The gaze of adoration when she looks up at me with her tongue hanging out and her tail wagging in excitement is enough to supercede everyone of those annoyances. (Okay, most, but not all.)

2) I finally managed to get a seat on the train today. And a bright pink seat at that.

3) I did not have to commute home today; my sister's boyfriend was gracious and nice enough to send me all the way home.

4) I know how to sing (complete, with the whole lyrics) the song that has been stuck in my head for days. And it's a foreign-language song at that. (which my baby knows how to sing obviously.)

5) I found a new fascinating channel on Cable TV. Awesome. Just when I thought that cable was dying, I found a new channel, with Law & Order back to back and CSI back to back. Totally awesome.

6) I am going to get some money from my sister and her boyfriend.

7) This week is ending soon, which means that next week, I will be seeing my baby love for a few days. (Which always means lots of great making out and lots of wonderful kisses, and awesome tons of fantastic marvelous sex!)

8) I managed to get a writing assignment, and although it pays little, at least it's a start and I can finally put freelance writer in my resume.

9) That my girl actually texted me almost throughout the entire day today. Actually, the entire day today. That's a start. Of course, that she actually is working on her thesis now, is also a good sign.

10) I finally got to talk to baby in that nice way that we always used to talk to, before she got all stressed and I got all irritated. It was the loving, sweet-nothings, whining and cute way of talking, and I love it.

Seems that the things that made me happy today beat the things that annoyed me today. What do you know?? Apparently many small little things do make me happy.

In the competition of things that annoy me versus things that do not annoy me, the latter has won.

Here's a gold medal to the things that make me happy.