this thing called..

What is it about this thing called love?
What is it about this thing called love that causes your body to react in certain ways, and causes you to think and act differently?
Endorphins, perhaps, are released. Or maybe it is some hormone or another that is produced when one is in love. But this funny little thing called love, oh, we may laugh at it. Oh, we may scold it. Oh, we may be jaded with it. Oh, we may speak sarcastically of it. But oh, how each one of us craves it.
Craving to be loved, wanting to be loved. What is it about love, you may ask?
Well, it is the racing of your heart. It is the beating of your heart. It is the way your heart stops when you look at her. It is the way your heart melts when her idiosyncrasies are displayed for you to see. It is the way you look forward to talking to her every night, seeing her everyday, even if you have been together for so long. It is in the way each time you receive a text that has her name as its sender, your heart still gives a little jolt.
Or maybe, it is something more than that. What, exactly, is love, you may ask?
I suppose it differs for each one of us. It could be the way her bright summer smile wipes away the clouds and rain from your eyes. It could be the way she knows what to say and do at the right time, be it when you are sad or frustrated. Or, it might be how only she is able to elicit that light, truly happy and elated laughter from you. Perhaps it could be how she snuggles up to you after making love, never immediately falling asleep.
Oh, this crazy little thing called love. How much we want it, how much we need it, how much we crave it.
I do think that love knows its effect on others. I do think that love is precisely this unfathomable thing because it wants everyone who has it to cherish it, to treasure it. I think that love is this uncertain feeling because the journey is as important as the ending, and love wants each one of us to know that. I think love, at times, could be difficult, just so we would cherish and love the other person more. I think that love wants us to go hand in hand in search of it, and travel hand in hand to all its wondrous destinations that it beholds.
I suppose love is love, because it is only this way that love's effect on people is still just as magical and wonderful.
Oh, this thing called love.
And that is why she and I, together, are still just as magical, just as wonderful, just as much in love as we have never been before.
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