everything is said and then...

Let me tell you a story.
Once, there was a couple -- Girl A, and Girl B. They were happily in love, and were in love for a long long time.
Gradually, Girl A realised that Girl B was not doing anything much -- Girl B could not bother to contact Girl A, Girl A did most of everything. Girl A thought it was alright, Girl A thought that because it is love, and she loves Girl B, so that was alright.
It started from the smallest things.
Girl B would not bother to tell Girl A anything. Girl B would start asking Girl A to do many things, and get pissed when Girl A couldn't or did not do it, but it was alright for Girl B to not do whatever Girl A asked of her. These were the smaller things.
Then Girl B decided that she could give up doing what she normally does with Girl A, just for a few days, because there was someone giving Girl B attention. (And it is not as if Girl A does not give her attention.)
Following that, Girl A realised that she knew nothing about Girl B. Girl B would be doing something, and Girl A would assume that Girl B was doing something else, because that was what Girl B said she was gonna do. Girl B could have the intention to not talk to Girl A, but never ever let Girl A know until Girl A got tired of waiting for her reply.
So Girl A had a talk with Girl B. Girl B promised to do something about it. Girl A relented. The next week, it was still the same thing. Girl B again said she would do something about it.
A few months later, and Girl B was still promising to fix things, to do something about it.
Girl A, however, already started feeling neglected and left behind. Girl A already started feeling like she was being taken for granted. Girl A already felt like she was left in the lurch while Girl B made her look like a fool.
Girl A started to feel that Girl B did not love her as much anymore. Girl A started to feel that Girl B was not in love with her no more. Girl A started to feel that perhaps she does not mean anything to Girl B.
Girl A was always saying how her work was so important, how work meant money and therefore Girl B should let her do her work so that they would have money and success. And Girl A let her be. But Girl B took advantage of that and went all out for that.
One day, after Girl B had had all the fun in the world, after Girl B had decided that working was not everything, money was not everything, after Girl B had smelled and tasted the greener grass on the other side, she realised that there was always something missing.
She realised that she was missing the one thing that could make her complete -- Girl A.
But no matter how many calls and texts she sent to Girl A, Girl A did not reply, and Girl A did not pick up the phone. It was as if Girl A had disappeared.
And Girl B realised, this time, that because she was the boy who cried wolf, now that the wolf really was here, no one was going to save the boy anymore.
... ... ...
Just when Girl B had resigned herself to never feeling whole or complete, she received a text from Girl A.
"After you have done your work, after you have had all the fun and all the attention in the world, after you have tasted and smelled the greener grass on the other side, I hope you come to realise what could have been.
What you might have lost.
How often have you told me that you are always here for me, yet you don't show it to me, you don't tell me, you don't contact me, and you don't even do the smallest stuff that you should do, without me asking you to? You just claim to be here for me, but without any actions, without letting me know. How often have you told me that?
In all honestly, I never left your side.
I was always still there for you, despite my absence.
What I did, simply, was to do what you do -- tell you I am here for you, but don't show it to you via actions.
I let you have all the fun in the world, work your heart out, smell the greener grass.
And hopefully, when you tire of these mindless, aimless, minute things, you will realise what could have been. And what you could have lost."
Girl B finally realised what Girl A was doing all along. She vowed never to treat Girl A that way again, and after this, she never did.
The ending? They lived very happily in love, together forever, happily ever after.
I don't know if she will realise. I don't know if she will see things clearly.
But I know that this time, it is up to her. I cannot do anything besides waiting for her to do something.
Because she told me just a few days ago that she would never break my heart again.
And I really hope she keeps that promise. Because I really cannot have my heart broken.
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