on new year's eve

On new year's eve...
The issue between my baby and I have been sorted out. She says she does not do it on purpose, and I know her well enough to know that it is probably the attention and jealousy that she wants to incite in me that started it all. Perhaps she wanted more of my attention. (Although I have already given her more than enough attention, which is greater than what she can say for the attention she gives me.)
On new year's eve...
My girlfriend, baby, and I, have sorted out most of our problems and the main issue that was between us last week, and she has agreed to start working on things and begin fixing things. And also to stop taking me for granted and to be a nicer girlfriend to me. The thing with her is, she will agree to fix things just for the sake of agreeing, so that I will not get mad with her. This time, though, I have told her strictly that she has to begin fixing things, and continue fixing it, and I am proud to say that from her texts and the way she is with me now, she is beginning to fix things. I am proud of her.
On new year's eve...
I am staying up late to finish up the ten articles that are due later in the afternoon. Although it is a sacrifice, and although it is tough staying up late into the night when I slept late last night and woke early this morning, although it is tiring, I am enjoying the tiring process because it is something I want to do -- write. Even if it is not an original article that I am to write, even if it is simply re-writing and lots and lots of editing and summarising to make the article new again, I am glad to do it because it is something I like doing. I am embracing this tiring process simply because I have wanted it for a long time.
On new year's eve...
I am going to prove to myself that I can do it. I talked to a good friend of mine, and my baby's aunt today, and I have decided that I can do this. If everyone can do it, why can't I? Yes, the road for me maybe harder, but what I need to do is just get my ass out there and start doing something. Be more confident. Start building up connections and networks. Start proving myself to the world. And that will be enough to get me started.
On new year's eve...
I am determined to be a happier person. I am a happier person this year, compared to last year. I am a better person, I am a changed person, compared to last year. This, I can say, is because of the girl who has been behind me through it all. It has been said that behind every successful man/woman, there is another woman. I cannot say that as yet, but what I can say is that behind my changed persona, behind my happier persona, there is her -- my baby, my love. And I am determined to be a much happier person than I was last year, with her.
On new year's eve...
I am going to succeed and be happy in both my working life and my personal life. I am going to break away from the unhappy chains that bind me, and be the person that I want myself to be.
On new year's eve...
I will check out the airplane ticket prices to where my baby is soon, so that I can purchase my ticket online asap, and be happy looking forward to the time when I can be with her again next month.
On new year's eve...
I will pray before I go to sleep (as I do every night), for guidance, for peace of mind, for happiness, for everything that I have always prayed for. I will pray for my baby, that she will do well in her thesis and graduate with the award that she has always wanted. I will pray for good health, wealth, and most importantly, happiness, both for me and my girl.
On new year's eve...
I am going to make my resolutions, because I chanced upon the horoscope section in the papers today, and it said that today is a good day to start on my resolutions. So, I am going to list down my resolutions below.
On new year's eve...
These are my resolutions:
1. I will get a good job that commands a good pay -- a good job meaning a job that I want to do, that I am happy working in, with a great working environment and colleagues.
2. I will pursue my writing career -- even if it means working doubly hard and eating grass for whatever it takes -- because this is what I want to do -- write.
3. I will be there for my girl no matter what it takes -- I will be there with her during her deliberations in February 2009, and I will spend Valentine's Day with her. I will be there with my girl when we celebrate our second year anniversary together. I will be there for my girl whenever she needs me.
4. I will be a happy, healthy, and wealthy person. So will my baby, my love. And so will the people I care for. 'Nuff said.
5. I will continue having the lovely relationships that I have with my friends -- those who are near and dear to me. Friends whom I have laughed and cried with, friends whom I have travelled with, friends who have seen me in my ugliest state, doing the stupidest things, and still want to remain friends with me. Friends who, despite the difference in nationality, are still more of friends to me than can be said for others.
6. I will not be broke anymore.
7. I will finally get married to my baby love, and live with her forever.
8. I will treat my family, my friends, and those who have been good to me when I was down on my luck, when I get my first paycheck upon finding a good job. I will get my baby a PS3 or a Wii or whatever she wants when I get my first paycheck, and when she graduates March 2009.
9. I will listen to myself and treat myself well, with the kind of respect and happiness I would want myself to have.
10. Most importantly, I will love my girlfriend, my baby, for always, and be with her forever. I will finally live with her, spend my life with her, chasing our dreams together, and come home to each other everyday. I will love her with everything that I have and everything that I have got. I will treasure her with every passing day, and love her more. I will provide for her if I have to. We will finally live together in the same country and will never have to be apart anymore. We will finally fall asleep with our arms around each other for everyday and never have to worry about the time when I will have to leave her to go home -- for she will be my home and my shelter. We will wake up to each other everyday, go to work together, and come home after work together.
I will. We will.
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