patience, the virtue.

So I do not like this.
I don't think there is anything wrong in me not liking this. Patience is a virtue thy ought to have. Oh, how many times has that been reiterated. Time and again, the same phrase, said by different people to me, said by me to different people.
Some words just do not grow old, some words just do not grow weary, like we humans do.
I would like to see myself as having quite a great deal of patience. I think, if it were to compare to how I was in the past, then yes, I have a lot of patience now. And patience is a good thing, is it not?
At times, though, what Shakespeare writes in a certain scene in Measure for Measure rings true. He writes about how everything should be taken in moderation, for if consumed overly with passion, everything starts to rear its ugly little head, and anything that is overly done will have its consequences on the one who has failed to take moderation into her regards.
There are certain periods of time where I agree with Shakespeare, and certain times when I don't. In this case, well, patience is a good thing. But give someone too much patience, and there is no more moderation on that person's part. That person will use, and continue taking up the seemingly infinite patience that you give. Simply because it is there, and simply because you seem like you have a great deal of patience.
Speaking of patience makes me want to sing that Take That song, aptly titled Patience. It is the song that is in my head as I write this anyway.
Back to the topic at hand, which I think no one knows what it is about, save for me. I do not like this. I think that everyone has some purpose in being in someone else's life, and no matter what, even if you do take anyone for granted, there must be times in between that you give back, or at least, attempt to give back, when that is all that you have. You could think of giving back and do it in the simplest ways, or you could simply give back in ways that you can. I think everyone is in someone else's life for a reason, so please, unless that person is truly bad (like some people I know of), once you take someone for granted and you know it, give back. Please.
I stand guilty as charged, for I do take people for granted. The difference is that I know it, and because the situation is as it is, and circumstances now do influence situations, so I attempt to give back in the little ways that I know how, because I cannot give back in the big ways that I want to. At least not now. But at least I know, and at least I give back in whatever way I can.
I think taking people for granted and having an infinite of patience is somewhat linked. Just in case you have no idea why patience and taking things for granted come together. I think that when you appear to have a lot of patience for someone, and you show it, ultimately that person, if ever, would take a little advantage of that patience and turn it into taking things for granted. Simply because that patience is always there.
At this point of time, I have run out of steam to write or speak.
Oh, patience, the virtue. Patience is a virtue thy ought to have. But never too much, to let anyone take you for granted.
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