love in a new light

I am supposed to attach pictures to send to my baby, but it is taking ages to attach it so I am here, catching up.
So, after a refreshing, rejuvenating 3 weeks spent with my love, I am back here where I am to lead my life while waiting for her to come over here to work.
It was a wonderful 3 weeks, I must admit. I saw some things in a new light, I saw parts of her in a new light, and everything was just refreshed and not as jaded as I thought I would be.
The first 2 weeks were crazy, because she was there trying to rush her work in time for her thesis deliberations, and I was there trying to calm her panicky soul and helping her in whichever way I could, to just be there for her.
According to her, though, just the thought of me, there with her, sitting beside her, calmed her down and helped her to do her work better, and I am glad for that. I attended her deliberations, and she passed it and it is all over. Now, it is just the waiting time for her graduation.
Now, I know this is going to be funny, but for some reason, each time I am there with her, we always have adventures of whatever kind. This time, it was an adventure of a different kind. The first adventure was seeing her so panicky and crazy over her thesis, and it was funny, because I have never seen her panic this way, and I have definitely never panicked that way. I never knew she had the ability to cry and work at the same time, then stop and cry and work and make weird crying and whimpering noises while working.
Of course, it was a totally different experience, waking up to her whimpering and crying in her sleep, turning to me and telling me that she was scared for her thesis. There were times, in the 2 weeks following her deliberations, that she would sit up and whimper and cry a little and tell me she was scared. She would say she was unable to breathe, then get up and get water to drink. The funny thing came when I told her what she did the night before, and she always says the same thing -- I didn't know I did that!! Apparently she can sleepwalk and sleeptalk this bad. I know she sleepwalks and she sleeptalks, but it is apparently worse when she is stressed. Thank goodness I wake when she does so I am able to comfort her and settle her down to sleep again.
The other adventure we had was a totally different adventure that I never want to have with her, ever again. It was the most disgusting, grossest "food poisioning adventure" ever, and I never, ever, ever want to have that kind of an adventure with her again.
So, we had dinner the night before with her friends at this pizza place. (In order not to get into trouble of any kind, I shall not mention the place that shall never be mentioned and the place that I will never ever eat at again) We had dinner there, and the next morning, it was horrible. As in.
I started having stomach pains that night, that grew worse throughout the night. I was in constant discomfort the whole night -- it was the kind of pain that made me unable to sleep, because although I was so tired that I would fall asleep, the pain would wake me up. It wasn't the stabbing pain kind, it was the spasms kind, that made me feel like I should poop, but nothing could come out of me.
As for her, she woke in the morning saying she felt like puking. I thought that at first it was nothing, but she suddenly woke again later in the morning and stood at the door of the bathroom.
Now, because I am so in tuned with her actions, I knew what she was going to do, and because I was weak from the pain, i just waved at her and told her to go puke. She ended up puking 4 times and pooping 2 times, I think. She had stomach pains too, I think, but it disappeared after awhile.
My poor baby had the more serious food poisioning, because she ate most of the pizza. Fortunately for her, she also has a strong, much much stronger stomach than me, and thankfully it worked well for her. She puked and pooped it all out, and she was okay, though weak, and she went home that night.
As for me, because my stomach is generally weak, I had stomach pains the entire day. She couldn't sleep with me in the condo that night because she had to go home, so I was there alone after the afternoon had passed. Luckily, though, her friends came to our rescue and rehydrated us and gave us mild food to eat so we would have energy.
I was weaker than her, though, and I think I even blacked out from the pain at that moment, although I wasn't too sure.
Whatever it is, we both just slept the entire day away, and the next day, we both felt a lot better.
But whatever it is, because we both always do everything together when I am there with her, we ended up with the same adventure -- the 'food poisoning adventure' which I never ever want to have again.
She is fully cured now, but I still have stomach pains now and then, and since I am back here, I am thinking of going to the doctor's tomorrow.
But whatever it is, after that horrible incident, it became kind of a joke between us -- because we always have some kind of adventure or another when I am there with her.
There is more to come that I will write in here, including a blog entry that we both wrote together on my iPhone the day before I left her to come back here.
For now, it is rest and sleep for both me and her -- her in her own country and me in mine, and tomorrow will be a whole new day of lovin' and lovin'.
As always. :)
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