the good ol' lovin, two years and beyond
Two days ago, we stepped into the two year zone of our relationship.
And I must admit, it feels just great, making the mark of two years and beyond. Undeniably, there have been some tough times. It has been hard at times, especially getting used to the initial stage of a long distance relationship, and then getting used to not being able to be with each other everyday, or as and when we wanted to.
And then there was the time where we had trust issues. It is difficult to trust when one is 3 hours away from the other by flight, and it is difficult to trust when we both lead such different lives. Wherever she goes, I don't know, and I am not in a position to stop her. Wherever I go, she can hardly stop me. There was a time when we had trust issues, but after the first 9 months or so, we settled down.
I guess the facts are just as basic as this -- we gradually realised that there is no need for a lack of trust, because there is no one else we want except each other. And yes, how true that is. We came to realise that the love we have for each other supercedes everything else that comes with the long distance relationship. In other words, we love each other wholly, and because of that, there is no need for any lack of trust or any doubting when it comes to our long distance relationship.
Some people have no idea how we carry on a long distance relationship for two years. Usually, couples who are in a long distance relationship are of the same nationality, it's just that one has to go abroad for awhile. For us, we are two girls of two different nationalities right from the start. That aside, we also have the factor where we both are girls, in a lesbian relationship, and of course lesbian relationships are more emotional. Then there is the factor where we both have different cultures and how we handle things are different. There is no language barrier for us because right from the start it was easy for me to pick up the language of her nationality. And of course, there is the most outstanding thing -- that we only get to see each other once every 2-3 months, and when we do see each other, it ranges only from 1 week to 3 weeks.
So many people have no idea how we managed to carry on a long distance relationship for so long. There are those who are so jaded that they think we have an open relationship -- where we see other people. NO WAY. That never happens. I am not that kind of a person. And then there are those who are so cynical, they believe that it is because we do not see each other often, which is why we are still in this relationship.
To all these people, I have no comments, other than the one very simple fact -- it really is pure and simply, just love. No flings, no cheating on the other party, no open relationship. If anything, it makes us sadder when we realise that we cannot see each other as and when we want to, and everyday.
But we have grown stronger because of all these things, and I must say, I really am very proud of her.
We have been together for two years and two days now, and I am still loving every minute of it. My love for her can never diminish, instead, it grows more and more everyday now.
Each day, I wake up, and I wonder how I ever made it through my life without her being in it. Every morning, when I wake up, I am reminded again and again of how lucky I am to have her in my life.
The love just gets stronger and stronger as the two years pass.
As cheesy as it sounds, it is her and me, for life. She is the one I want to be with, the one I want to give my heart to, for life. (I know it sounds cheesy, and I apologise!)
It's you and me, baby. :)
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